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Writing gt; Improving Sentences
Part or all of the following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Select the option that produces the best sentence. If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A.
1. Rote learning, the process of memorizing by repetition, is how many young children learn the alphabet or the multiplication tables.
(A) is how
(B) is used for when
(C) this is how
(D) the way
(E) which is used when
Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by using a main verb, is, to link the subject of the sentence, Rote learning, to a description of the ways in which this type of learning is used.
2. Japanese literature is noted for distinctive forms of drama as well as their poetry. No error
(A) is noted for
(B) distinctive
(C) as well as
(D) their poetry
(E) No error
The error in this sentence occurs at (D), where there is improper pronoun use. There is nothing in the sentence to which the plural possessive pronoun their can logically refer. The pronoun their should be deleted from the sentence so that the sentence clearly expresses both things that Japanese literature is noted for (distinctive forms of drama as well as poetry).
3. A renowned French American artist who worked in New York until her death at age 98, Louise Bourgeoiss sculptures often resembled giant spiders, earning her the nickname the Spiderwoman.
(A) Louise Bourgeoiss sculptures often resembled giant spiders
(B) Louise Bourgeois created sculptures that often resembled giant spiders
(C) Louise Bourgeoiss sculptures had often resembled giant spiders
(D) the sculptures of Louise Bourgeois, they often resembled giant spiders
(E) Louise Bourgeois created sculptures they often resembled giant spiders
Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the modification error of the original by providing the proper noun Louise Bourgeois to serve as the subj
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