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如何得体地与老外交流 得体 如何交流 得体 Be polite. Please Thank you If you no three no four, I will give you colour see see. 如何得体地与老外交流 How to start. How to close. How to develop. Taboos. Body language. How to start a conversation? 1. Greetings(打招呼) Hello. Good morning. 2. Talk about weather(谈论天气) 中国人:你吃了吗? How to start? This girl forgets her bag. If you are the woman, what will you say? Talk about weather(谈论天气) Its really hot, isnt it? It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Nice day today, isn’t it? A lovely morning, isn’t it? It is very clear night, isn’t it? Talk about weather M: Good morning, Ms. Wang. W: Good morning, Mr. Lin. M: It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it? W: Oh. It’s a nice day, indeed. M: I hope it won’t be too hot, I can’t stand the heat. W: Really. For me, too. Talk about weather M: It’s rather cold, isn’t it? W: Oh. Yes, it is. M: Well, what’s the climate like in your country? W: It’s mild, but it’s not always pleasant. M: Which season do you like best? W: I like … Introduce yourself(自我介绍) 想要自然地得到对方的姓名,可以先进行自我介绍 Examples: MARTIN: Good morning. Im Martin Learner.??????????? MARY: Im Mary Scott. 直接问姓名 What’s your name? Can I have your name???????????? Cultural Notes? 文化注释 美国人的姓氏与名字的顺序与中国人正好相反,即名字在前,姓氏在后。如 Martin Learner, Martin 是名字,而 Learner 是姓氏。 1).Mr.用在姓或姓与名前,不能单独用在名字前,如:Mr. Smith, Mr. John Smith. 2). Mrs. 已婚妇女 3). Miss 对未婚妇女/未知已婚未婚时. 4). Ms. 婚姻状态不明的妇女 客套话 1.?I‘m happy to meet you. 初次见面时的客套话,类似的还有: I’m glad to meet you. I‘m pleased to meet you. Its nice to meet you.? 2. How are you? Fine, thanks. Very well. Not bad.(不错 ) Not so well. (不太好) Close a conversation(结束对话) Goodbye. Bye-bye. See you later. Bye. Nice talking to you. I had a good time. Im sorry I took too much of your time. 遇到“老外”,不要说上几句诸如:How are you? I am fine,thanks. My English is poor. Bye-bye. 而转身离去,搞的老外一头露水,找不着北。 发展对话 想把谈话继续下去,最好的办法就是多问问题啦! Where are you from? Im from... What’s the climate like in your country? What’s your favourite season/f


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