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SVA Problem 8.3(d) A Steam power plant operates on the cycle of Fig. 8.4. For one of the following sets of operating conditions, determine the steam rate, the heat-transfer rates in the boiler and condenser, and the thermal efficiency of the plant. (d) P1=P2=6,500kPa; T2=525oC; P3=P4=101.33kPa; η(turbine)=0.78; η(pump)=0.75; power rating=50,000kW 4 T S 2 3’ 1’ 3 1 Length of 4-1(or 1’) is exaggerated Solution of Problem 8.3(d): The Cyclic Process 4 T S 2 3’ 1’ 3 1 4-1’: isentropic pumping 1-2: constant-pressure heating (isobar) 2-3: adiabatic (irreversible) expansion 2-3’ : isentropic expansion 3-4: Const P, Const T condensation 4-1 : adiabatic (irreversible) pumping P1= 6,500kPa P2= 6,500kPa T2= 525oC P3= 101.33 kPa P4= 101.33 kPa Solution of Problem 8.3(d): Adiabatic Expansion 4 T S 2 3’ 1’ 3 1 P2= 6,500kPa T2= 525oC H2= 3475.6×103 Jkg-1 S2= 6.9145×103 Jkg-1 K-1 P3= 101.33kPa H3(liquid)= 419.1×103 Jkg-1 H3(vapor)= 2676.0×103 Jkg-1 S3 (liquid) = 1.3069×103 Jkg-1 K-1 S3 (vapor) = 7.3554×103 Jkg-1 K-1 6.9145=1.3069+x3’(7.3554-1.3069) Isentropic x3’=0.9271 H3’=[0.9271(2676.0-419.1)+419.1] ×103 =2511.5 ×103 J kg-1 (ΔH)S=(2511.5-3475.6) ×103 = -964.1×103 J kg-1 ΔH(turbine)= (ΔH)S η(turbine) = -752.0×103 J kg-1 Real Solution of Problem 8.3(d): Pumping 4 T S 2 3’ 1’ 3 1 P4= 101.33 kPa V4 = 1,044 cm3 kg-1 H4 = 419.1×103 Jkg-1 P1= 6,500kPa ΔH(pump)= (ΔH)S /η(pump) = V4(P1-P4) /η(pump) =1,044(6500-101.33)/0.75=8.907×106 cm3 kPa kg-1 =8.907×103 J kg-1 H1=H4+ΔH(pump)= 419.1×103 +8.907×103 cm3 = 428.0×103 J kg-1 Solution of Problem 8.3(d): Result Steam Rate: Heat Transfer Rate in the Boiler and Condenser: Thermal Efficiency: SVA Problem 10.17 For the system ethyl ethanoate(1)/n-heptane(2) at 343.15K, Assuming the validity of Eq.(10.5), Make a BUBL P calculation for T=343.15K, x1=0.05. (b) Make a DEW P calculation for T=343.15K, y1=0.05. (c ) What is the azeotrope composition and pressure at T=343.15K? Solution of


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