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渤海明珠天津港2014版宣传片解说词 (定稿) 港口,作为世界综合交通运输网络的重要枢纽,正在逐步发展成为全球资源配置的中心。中国,作为世界第二大经济体,已经成为全球最大的货物贸易国。 Port, the important hub in the global transportation network, is becoming the center for global resource allocation. China, the second largest economy in the world, has become the largest country for good trading. 天津,正在崛起的国际港口城市,中国北方经济中心。天津港,世界第四大港口,中国第二大外贸口岸,连接东北亚与中西亚的纽带,中国北方对外开放的门户,建设中国北方国际航运中心和国际物流中心的核心载体。每年有五亿多吨的各类货物从这里集散运往世界各地,形成了巨大的商流、物流、资金流和信息流。 Tianjin, a growing international port city, is the economic center in northern China. Tianjin Port, the fourth largest port in the world, the second largest foreign trading port in China, the belt to connect Northeast Asia and Midwest Asia, gateway of opening up in northern China, the core carrier to construct international shipping center and logistics center in northern China. Every year over 500million tons of cargos are shipped to every corner of the world, forming huge flow of commerce, cargo, capital and information. 天津港是世界等级最高的人工深水港,拥有可同时满足四艘船舶双向进出港的复式航道,30万吨级船舶可乘潮进出港。 Tianjin Port, the highest class artificial port in the world, boasting the multi-lane navigation channel for 4 ships sailing in two directions, 300,000 tonnage vessel can enter the port with high tide. 天津港是中国北方最大的综合性港口,陆域面积132平方公里,拥有各类泊位总数 160个,其中万吨级以上泊位 103个。 Tianjin Port is the largest comprehensive port in northern China with land area of 132km2. There are totally 160 various berths in Tianjin Port, including 103 berths over 10,000 tons. 天津港对外联系广泛,贸易通达世界上180多个国家和地区的500多个港口,每月航班500余班;天津港对内辐射力强,腹地面积近500万平方公里,占全国总面积的52%。全港70%左右的货物吞吐量和50%以上的口岸进出口货值来自天津以外的各省区。天津港服务功能完善,是我国唯一拥有三条亚欧大陆桥过境通道的港口;已经建成的天津国际贸易与航运服务中心是全国目前最大的“一站式”航运服务中心之一;成功实施“三个一”通关模式,口岸通关环境不断优化;内陆腹地设立的5个区域营销中心、23个“无水港”,进一步完善了覆盖内陆腹地的物流网络体系。 Tianjin Port has broad international connection. It has trade relation with more than 500 ports in over 180 countries and regions. Every month there are about 500 scheduled vessels connecting with the main ports in the world. It possesses strong economic radiant


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