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Ξ太中银铁路岗城隧道突泥塌方处理Ξ Ξ侯军红(铁道第三勘察设计院集团有限公司 ,天津 300251 )摘要 :研究目的 :岗城隧道位于陕西省横山县 ,为一单洞双线隧道 ,全长 4 575 m。施工中发生突泥塌方 ,涌泥约 1 000 m3 ,塌方处隧道埋深 94 m ,地表最大沉降 5. 137 m ,针对突泥塌方段的特点 ,对于岩层加固进行了“大 管棚 +上半断面超前预注浆 ”法 、夯管法和冻结法的比选 ,推荐采用“大管棚 +上半断面超前预注浆 ”法施工 。研究结论 : ( 1 ) 岗城隧道突泥塌方处理方案选定合理 ; ( 2 ) 岗城隧道涌泥涌砂塌方地段的超前支护注浆 加固是治理塌方涌泥有效的方法 。 ( 3) 岗城隧道突泥塌方处理证明了做好地质超前预报是安全施工的必要 手段 。关键词 :隧道 ;突泥塌方 ;岩层加固 ;处理中图分类号 : U452. 2 + 5文献标识码 : ATrea tm en t of the Collapse of Gangcheng Tunnel of Ta iyuan - Zhongwe i -Y inchuan Ra ilwayHO U Jun - hon g( The Th ird R a ilway D e sign and Su rvey In stitu te Group Co rpo ra tion, Tian jin 300251 , Ch ina)A b stra c t: Re sea rch purpo se s: Gangcheng Tunne l is a single tunne l and doub le track tunne l, loca ted in the H engshan Coun ty of Shanxi P rovince, w ith to ta l length of 4 575 m. The co llap se happ ened du ring the con struc tion of the tunne l, w ith the in ru sh m ud vo lum e of abou t 1 000 m3 . The bu ried dep th of the tunne l in co llap se p lace wa s 94 m e te rs, and the m axim a l ground se ttlem en t vo lum e wa s 5. 137 m. A cco rd ing to the cha rac te ristic s of the co llap se and in ru sh m ud, the m e thod of la rge p ip e roof con struc tion p lu s the upp e r face grou ting in advance wa s se lec ted to re info rce the rock stra tum afte r m ak ing comp a rison w ith the ramm ing p ip e m e thod and freezing m e thod.Re sea rch con c lu sion s: ( 1 ) The schem e fo r trea tm en t of in ru sh m ud and co llap se is rea sonab le. ( 2 ) The suppo rt inadvance a long w ith grou ting re info rcem en t of the in ru sh m ud and co llap se a rea Gangcheng Tunne l is an effec tive way to trea t co llap se and in ru sh m ud.( 3 ) The trea tm en t of the co llap se and in ru sh m ud of Gangcheng Tunne l show s thegeo logica l fo reca st in advance is e ssen tia l to the safe con struc tion of tunne l.Key word s: tunne l;in ru sh m ud and co llap se;re info rcem en t of rock stra tum; trea tm en t为改 D K 350 + 00


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