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李铁喜 ( 天津市工大镀锌设备有限公司, 天津 300402) 摘 要 热浸镀锌锅主要有铁锅、陶瓷锅、坩埚等,加热方式有上加热、内加热、感应加热等。铁锅镀锌加热方式为 外加热,适用于 440 ~ 450 ℃ 低温镀锌; 陶瓷锌锅使用温度在 420 ~ 800 ℃ ,使用寿命能达到 10 a。详细介绍浸入式 燃气内加热烧嘴的结构及特点。铝合金外壳为双层结构,排烟管设有绝热材料; 烧嘴内芯由燃气连接法兰、燃气导 管、空气导管、混合燃烧室及火焰监测、点火电极组成; 马刺状金属换热器利用烟气通过内置换热器预热助燃空气, 火焰喷出速度约 120 ~ 160 m / s; 直接电极点火,多级燃烧,火焰温度低。浸入式燃气内加热器利用陶瓷外套管加热 锌液,由于配置特殊的换热器和循环再加热辐射管,浸入式燃气内加热器的热效率最高可达 67% 。 关键词 热浸镀锌; 浸入式燃气内加热器; 辐射管; 陶瓷外套管; SiC 管 中图分类号 TG174. 3 Gas heating immersion heater for hot dip galvanizing LI Tie-xi ( Tianjin Gongda Galvanizing Equipment Co. ,Ltd,Tianjin 300402,China) Abstract Hot dip galvanized pot has iron pot,ceramic zinc pot and crucible zinc pot etc. heating method has upper heat- ing,inner heating and inducting heating etc. the heating method of iron pot is outer heating,it is suitable for 440 ~ 450 ℃ low temperature galvanizing. The using temperature of ceramic zinc pot is 420 ~ 800 ℃ ,the service life can reach 10 years. The structure and characteristic of gas heating immersion heater nozzle are introduced in detail. Aluminium alloy shell is double layer structure,there is insulation material in the exhaust pipe,the nozzle inner core is consist of gas con- necting flange,gas duct,air duct,mixing combustion chamber,flame monitor,ignitor electrode. The combustion air is preheated by the spurs shape metal heat exchanger using smoke with inner heat exchanger,flame jet speed is about 120 ~ 160 m / s,it is direct ignition electrode,multi stage combustion,flame temperature low. The gas heating immersion heater uses ceramic sheath to heat molten zinc,the heat efficiency of gas heating immersion heater can reach the highest 67% be- cause it is installed special heat exchanger and recycled heating radiation tube. Keywords hot dip galvanizing; immersion gas heater; radiation tube; ceramic sheath; SiC tube 480 ℃ 时,锌液和铁锅会产生剧烈反应,铁损会急 加大,锌锅的使用寿命会骤降,同时在锌锅中会产 大量的锌渣。生成的锌渣在污染镀件的同时会使 锅的热传导急剧下降并产生局部高温,锌锅的使 寿命会从通常的 1 ~ 4 a 下降到 2 ~ 6 个月,给企 造成巨大的经济损失。在紧固件镀锌时,通常采 520 ~ 580 ℃ 高温镀锌


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