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精品论文 参考文献 AFP联合ALP、GGT和CHE监测HBsAg携带者分析 陈陶阳 沈蓉 姚红玉 樊健   [摘 要] 目的 通过对不同慢性肝病患者与AFP、ALP、GGT和CHE 水平的分析,为肝癌的早期诊断和预防提供科学依据。方法 随访2018 例非活动性HBsAg 携带者5 年,收集不同慢性肝病患者的AFP、ALP、GGT 和CHE 检测结果。结果 肝癌组累积发生率为3.02%,50-岁年龄组是高发,男性略大于女性。肝癌组AFP 阳性率为70.49%,ALP 为22.95%,GGT 为62.30%,CHE 异常率为85.29%。肝癌组的AFP、ALP和GGT中位数和阳性率最高,肝癌患者CHE异常率明显大于其他各组,肝癌组和肝硬化组的CHE中位数显著低于慢性乙型肝炎组和非活动性HBsAg携带者。结论 采用癌症标志物AFP联合ALP、GGT和CHE定期监测HBsAg携带者,有助于AFP阴性肝癌的鉴别诊断,对肝癌的早期发现和预防研究具有重要临床意义。   [关键词] 非活动性HBsAg携带者 肝癌 慢性肝病 血清学指标   Analysis of AFP Combined with ALP, GGT and CHE Monitoring HBsAg Carriers   Chen Taoyang, Shen Rong, Yao Hongyu, Fan Jian.      Abstract: Objective To provide scientific basis for early diagnosis and prevention of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma through the analysis of AFP, ALP, GGT and CHE levels in different chronic liver disease patients. Methods 2018 patients with inactive HBsAg carriers were followed up for 5 years to collect the AFP, ALP, GGT and CHE results. Results The cumulative incidence of the liver cancer group was 3.02%. The 50- age group is of higher incidence, males slightly higher than females. The AFP positive rate of the liver cancer group was 70.49%, ALP 22.95%, GGT 62.30%; the abnormal rate of CHE was 85.29%. The median and the positive rate of hepatocellular carcinoma group of AFP, ALP and GGT was the highest. The abnormal rate of CHE in liver cancer patients was significantly higher than the other groups. The median of liver cancer and cirrhosis group were significantly lower than those of chronic hepatitis B group and inactive HBsAg carriers. Conclusion By using cancer markers as AFP, complete with ALP, GGT and CHE to monitor regularly the HBsAg carriers can be helpful for the differential diagnosis of AFP negative hepatocellular carcinoma and for the early detection and prevention of liver cancer.   Key words: inactive HBsAg carriers; liver cancer; chronic liver disease; serological indicators      江苏省启东市是我国原发性肝癌高发区,流行病学研究表明,启东地区的肝癌病因与乙型肝炎关系存在显著关联


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