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BYD Co. might stand for Warren Buffett, yet disappointing.比亚迪公司或许可以象征沃伦 巴菲特,但是却令人失望。比亚迪利润暴跌 巴菲特效应减退Shares in the Chinese car and battery maker soared after Mr. Buffetts Berkshire Hathaway bought a near 10% stake in 2008. With profits slumping, though, the effect of the Buffett seal of approval is waning. The shares have fallen more than 50% from their highest level this year.2008年,巴菲特的伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(美国保险公司)购买比亚迪10%股份后,BYD在中国汽车和电池生产行业的份额爆增。然而随着利润下降,巴菲特投资印记的影响正在减弱。相比于今年最高时候的价格,股价已经下跌超过50%。巴菲特麾下伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway) 2008年收购了比亚迪近10%的股权后,这个中国汽车和电池制造商的股票曾一度飙升。不过,随着比亚迪利润的下滑,巴菲特效应正不断减退。比亚迪股票较今年最高水平已下跌了逾50%。Its easy to see why investors are turned off. Profits fell 94% year-on-year in the first half of 2012, with problems in all the companys major segments.很容易明白为什么投资者调转风向。和上年同期相比,2012上半年利润下降94%,公司的所有主要部门都出现问题。投资者拍屁股走人的原因是显而易见的。比亚迪所有主营业务都出现了问题,2012年上半年公司利润同比大幅下滑94%。In autos, which account for around half of BYDs revenue, Chinas slowing economy and the removal of government subsidies for car buyers are taking their toll. Passenger car sales growth for China as a whole slowed to 6.7% year-on-year in the first half, down from a high of 84.6% at the end of 2009. More intense competition is crimping margins too. Though BYDs auto sales were up 12.35% year-on-year, the segment eked out just a 2.9% increase in profits.在汽车方面(占据了大约一半BYD收入),中国的经济放缓和政府取消购车补贴,正在让BYD付出代价。和上一年同期相比,2012年上半年中国客车市场的销售量增长率整体下降到6.7%,2009年这一数字为84.6%。更激烈的竞争,同时夹杂着价格竞争。尽管比亚迪的汽车销售量同期增长12.35%。这一增长仅带来2.9%的利润增长。在汽车方面(比亚迪约一半的收入来自该业务),中国经济减速和政府取消购车补贴均开始对比亚迪汽车业务产生不利影响。今年上半年,中国市场轿车总销量增速同比放缓至6.7%,远低于2009年底同比84.6%的高增速。此外,竞争加剧也在挤压利润率。虽然比亚迪汽车销量同比增加了12.35%,但利润只勉强增加了2.9%。In handsets, profits fell by a quarter as problems at major customer Nokia NOK1V.HE -7.82% fed through to weaker demand. It was batteries though, that were BYDs real short circuit. Massive oversupply in solar power resulted in plummeting prices across the sector. BYDs battery segment turned from a 15 million yuan profit ($2.4 million) in the first half of 201


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