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to add insult to injury to make a bad situation worse for someone who has already been treated badly She not only deceived him but, to add insult to injury, allowed him to pay for her meal. Vitamins Reading 1. In what ways are vitamins important to us? 2. Where can we obtain vitamins? 3. Is it true that the more vitamins there are in our bodies the better? 4. What is the discovery of vitamins linked to? 5. What causes scurvy? 6. What is an amine? 7. When was vitamin A discovered? 8. What are the “Basic Four”? Questions Dialogue I Discovery Vitamin A Vitamin B part 1 Vitamin B part 2 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin K Suggestion VOA Vitamins The word vitamin dates back to Polish scientist Casimir Funk in nineteen twelve.? He was studying a substance in the hull that covers rice.? This substance was believed to cure a disorder called beriberi. Funk believed the substance belonged to a group of chemicals known as amines [uh-MEENS].? He added the Latin word vita, meaning life.? So he called the substance a vitamine [vita-MEEN] -- an amine necessary for life. Funk was not able to separate the anti-berberi substance from the rice hulls; it was later shown to be thiamine.? Other studies found that not all vitamines were amines after all.? So the name was shortened to vitamin.? But Funk was correct in recognizing their importance. Scientists have discovered fourteen kinds of vitamins.? They are known as vitamins A, the B group, C, D, E and K. Which foods should be eaten to keep us healthy?? Let us look at some important vitamins for these answers. Vitamin A helps prevent skin and other tissues from becoming dry.? It is also needed to make a light-sensitive substance in the eyes.? People who do not get enough vitamin A cannot see well in darkness.? They may develop a condition that dries the eyes.? This can result in infections and lead to blindness. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil.? It also is in the yellow part of eggs.? Sweet potatoes, carrots and other dar


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