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* * * * * * * 1).倒装句喊口号法 Only… can we… Only in this way, can we have a bright future. 2.)虚拟语气喊口号法 It is high time that…(一般过去时) * * * * * * * * * * * * 4-7图表范文的开头段无一例外的采用了改写原题的写法 * * 直肠癌和淋巴瘤 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 准备写两边倒的文章 尤其是探讨双方性的 半开放性国家援助形式,社会援助among the general public. in the realm of science. to both industrialized and underdeveloped nations. * * * * * * * * * * * * * lead to give rise to contribute to result in cause/produce/create/generateTherefore, compared with individual study, students through group study will lead to a more effective learning and foster their interest in the pursuit of knowledge * * * * * * * * * * 1011 * * * * * * * 、 * * * * 谁该为医疗服务买单这个问题依然不明确 * * * It 作形式主语 There be +n 同位语从句的先行词 never remain suspicious of… I never remain suspicious of the value of friendship. I never remain suspicious of the point that… 被动句 * 《东邪西毒》 * * 电影《情癫大圣》的结尾,篡改了张小娴的经典语录。每个成功男人的背后都有一个女人,正是因为每个不成功男人的背后都有两个女人。 * * * * * * ? * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sb sth * Why these travellers damage the environment should be analyzed. * * 光娘的童话 * * *     * * * 再次证明了语言朴实但是思维丰富就可以拿高分。 崇拜但不要迷恋 美国地产界有句名言Location is everything.地段不好导致大家忽略至少一半的考生在考前基本上没读过考官范文 而读过的考生也基本上就是潜藏则止scratch the surface了 美国有句名言 The tool is only as powerful as its user.自己复习的同学没人提醒大家看 Opportunity favors the prepared mind. * * * * 同义转换:同义词 句式变化 主动变被动 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.切忌主观臆断 b 避免口语化 感情化 个人化 c 如实描述和分析 不要出现I think或者In my opinion等类似字眼 1)主体段第一句“由图可见” According to the…(图表名称) As shown in the… As can be seen from the(图表名称) that… 2)第二句“具体来说” To be more exact,…=more exactly To be more precise,…=more precisely To be more specific,…=more specifically A.table 倍份的表达 The number of magazines bought by college students is nearly four times as what college staff afford. The number of magazines bought by college students is more than three times as what college staff afford. 1950 2000 2050(foretell) China 65 78 83 US 73 75 74 Spain 70 72 77 Average Ages of People in Three


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