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氨氯地平治疗劳力性心绞痛的临床效果及安全性 高晓梅 张利 陕西省周至县人民医院内二科 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 目的 探讨氨氯地平治疗劳力性心绞痛的治疗效果及其安全性。方法 选择于我院诊治的劳力性心绞痛患者120例作为研究对象, 将患者分为对照组和观察组, 各60例。对照组患者采用常规治疗, 观察组患者在常规治疗的基础上给予氨氯地平治疗。比较两组患者的临床效果。结果 治疗后, 两组患者的心绞痛发作频率及持续时间均优于治疗前, 且观察组明显优于对照组 (P0.05) ;观察组患者的总有效率为96.7%, 明显高于对照组的83.3% (P0.05) ;观察组患者的不良反应发生率为30.0%, 明显低于对照组的48.3% (P0.05) 。结论 劳力性心绞痛患者在常规治疗基础上给予氨氯地平治疗, 可快速改善患者的临床症状, 临床效果显著, 具有较高安全性。 关键词: 劳力性心绞痛; 氨氯地平; 急性心肌梗死; 作者简介:高晓梅 (1973-) , 女, 汉族, 陕西周至人, 副主任医师, 学士。研究方向:心内科。 Clinical effect and safety of amlodipine on labor-induced angina pectoris GAO Xiao-mei ZHANG Li No.2 Department of Internal Medicine, Zhouzhi County Peoples Hospital; Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical effect and safety of amlodipine in the treatment of labor-induced angina pectoris. Methods A total of 120 labor-induced angina pectoris patients in our hospital were selected and divided into control group and observation group, with 60 cases in each group. The control group received routine treatment, and the observation group accepted amlodipine based on the routine treatment. The clinical effects of the two groups were compared.Results After treatment, the angina pectoris seizure frequency and duration of the two groups were better than those before treatment, and those of the observation group were better than the control group (P0.05) . The total effective rate of the observation group was 96.7%, which was higher than 83.3% of the control group (P0.05) . The incidence of adverse reactions was 30.0% of the observation group, which was lower than 48.3% of the control group (P0.05) . Conclusion Amlodipine based on the routine treatment in patients with labor-induced angina pectoris can improve the patients clinical symptoms.Its clinical effects is remarkable, and it has high safety. Keyword: labor-induced angina pectoris; amlodipine; acute myocardial infarction; 劳力性心绞痛的临床表现主要为稳定型心绞痛于短时间内 (一个月) 临床症状加重, 病情进行性恶化, 患者轻度活动或休息时亦



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