小学英语-新三年级第2次课:Unit1 Hello!(B)--班课讲义.pptxVIP

小学英语-新三年级第2次课:Unit1 Hello!(B)--班课讲义.pptx

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第2讲:Unit 1 Hello! (B) 主讲教师:xxx2017入门测 Time: 10 minutes2017Lesson StructurePresentationHomeworkonsolidation Leading inLeading in:英语谜语Which letter is an animal? bee(Bb)---蜜蜂010203Presentation: 01 Vocabulary02Conversation03Writing01Vocabularybookpencilencil boxbagWe Are Going To LearnPresentation1 bag n. /b?g/ Can you circle the bag?2 pencil n. /pensl/ How many pencils are there?4 pencil box n./pensl b?ks / What’s in the pencil box?4 book n. /b?k/What is it?bagpencilpencil boxbook Practice: Matchingp _ n c i lpencil b _ xb _ _ kb _ gPractice: Completingoo; e; a; oeaooopencilbagpencil boxbookPractice:JudgingOpen your _________.Close your _____.Show me your______.Carry your _____.Free talkpencil boxbookpencilbag猜单词将学生平均分成两组;教师制作本节课重点单词的图片;(铅笔盒、书、铅笔、包)每组每轮指派一名学生,教师选择一张图片(不让学生看到),两组猜图片上的单词是什么(要以英文的形式回答),哪组先猜对,哪组得一分;共五轮,(根据学生数量可以增减)哪组分数多,哪组获胜。(教师可以自己购买橡皮、铅笔等小奖品,奖励给获胜的学生) 谁是猜词王?02Conversation Youre going to learn a passage. Warming-up: What’s your name?Who is their teacher?Pre- readingMiss BlackMiss WhiteWho is their teacher?Read and writeHello, I’m Mike. What’s your name?MikeMy name is John.JohnWhat’s your name? 询问对方的名字答句: My name is…- What’s your name?- My name is Lucy...Wonderful! How about you, John?While- readingGoodbye!Bye, Miss White. Goodbye/Bye 再见 (See you!) E.g. — Bye, Linda — Bye. Lucy..Wonderful! How about you, John?While- readingMiss WhiteMike JohnFill in the blanksnameMike: Hello, I’m Mike. What’s your _____? John: ___ name’s John.Miss White: Goodbye.JohnMike: _____, Miss White. MyBye03Writing Warming-up: What’s your best friend’s name?Useful ExpressionsMy name is Tom.My name is Chen Jie.Useful ExpressionsHi, I’m Helen.Hello, I’m Mike.Model Writing Hello, I’m Helen. What’s your name?My name is Tom.Model Writing Hello, … What’s your name?My name is…Consolidation-Vocabulary:pencil boxbookbagpencilConsolidation-Conversation:A: Hello, I’m … . What’s your name?B: My name’s … .A: Goodbye.B: Bye.Consolidatio


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