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第32 卷第2期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) V ol132, No. 2 2 0 1 1 年 2 月 Journal of Nort heastern U n vers ty( N atural Sc ence) Feb . 2 0 1 1 王恩泽, 乔建忠, 林树宽 ( , 110819) : , , , I RDL IRD , , , , # , , # IRD # : ; ; ; : T P 393 : A : 1005- 3026( 2011) 02-0219- 04 An Inframargina-l Analysis-Based Resource Allocation Method in Distributed Computing Environment WA N G En-z e, QIA O Jian-zhong , LIN Shu-kuan ( School of Informat on Sc ence Eng neer ng, Northeaster n U n v ers ty, Shenyang 110819, Ch na. Correspond ng author : WAN G En- ze, E- ma l : tex- w ang @ hotma l. com) Abstract: A resource allocat on method based on nfram arg nal analys s n d st r but ed comput ng env ronment s present ed to descr be t he resource allocat on framework based on t s comparat ve advant age, wh ch max m zes t he syst em ut l t y by t he global balance result ng from corner analys s, w th t he IRD ( nf ramarg nal- analys s- based resource allocat on model for d str buted comput ng) model f or free transact on and IRDL ( IRD l m t ed) model for t ransact on l m t at on both developed . D f ferent at ng from the neoclass cal econom c t heory w h ch stud es how t o mprove t he resource ut l zat on rat o, the new class cal econom c theory stud es how to decrease the resource scarc t y t hroug h the d v s on of labor so as to ach eve the Pareto Opt mal t y ent rely by regulat ng the net work dynam cally. S m ulat on results show ed that both the models developed are effect ve and rat onal t houg h the IRD model s more su table f or the d str but ed


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