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芬兰城市发展史 ——Hamina and Lappeenranta (哈米纳与拉彭兰塔) 第一部分 历史资料归纳与分析 一·城市简介 Hamina :1·Hamina起初是瑞士的Vehkalahti镇,于1653年成立  2·哈米纳城最重要的是哈米纳港,哈米纳港(the Port of Hamina)位于芬兰最东部, 距离俄罗斯边境最近处仅仅35公里,最近几年逐渐发展起来。拥有比较充裕的集装箱装卸能力。3·现芬兰政府仍然继续投资,稳步扩大哈米那港集装箱码头,通往芬兰和俄罗斯内地的铁路,公路和河运等基础设施 。现哈米纳是作为芬兰与俄罗斯的港口交通枢纽 Lappeenranta :1·芬兰最大的内陆港,始建于1649年,中世纪时即为重要的贸易中心。2·位于芬兰最大湖泊萨伊马湖最南边 ,1968年运河经过重新疏通后,成为芬俄贸易和旅游的交通要道 。3·曾是一座古老的要塞,现被改建为各种博物馆。因气候宜人,水陆交通便利,现成为芬兰重要的旅游城市和疗养地之一 Hamina (1336-2013)城市发展大事记 1336:有关Hamina的考古文献中第一次出现? Vehkalahti县 1653:the Vehkalahti church (nowadays St. Mary‘s Church) was separated from rest of Vehkalahti ,became a town called Vehkalahden Uusikaupunki 1712:The town was destroyed during the?Great Northern War 1722-1724:rebuilding of the town 1723:为纪念瑞典国王得名Hamina,由Axel von L?wen设计规划城市 1741-1743:The?Russo–Swedish War 1743: Hamina was surrendered to the Russians .Hamina became a Russian frontier town, for which a fortress was desirable. 1809:The?Treaty of Fredrikshamn. Hamina was formed into the?Grand Duchy of Finland, an?autonomouspart of the?Russian Empire. 1819-1903:Hamina Cadet School was in operation 1920: the?Reserve Officer School began in the same facilities. 2003:Hamina were consolidated in 2003, and the old coat of arms was replaced with Vehkalahtis coat of arms. 2013:The old coat of arms was readopted in January 2013. 一·资料归纳 Lappeenranta(1542-2010)城市发展大事记 Origen:Lappeenranta was originally formed around a headland pointing to lake Saimaa. the 16th century :the market place moved from Lappees old centre Kauskila to the current fortress headland 1542:The first mention of Lapwes 1649:被瑞典女王特许为 Lapvesi交易场所 1652:the parliamentary privilege charter(议会特权宪章) and the coat of arms (纹章)were attested in 1652 after the town layout by Erik Aspegren was affirmed 1721-1743:Lappeenranta was the capital of Kymmeneg?rd and Savonlinna province. 1741-1743:the?Russo-Swedish War, The town was pillaged 1967:The municipalities (直辖市)of?Lappee?and Lauritsala were annexed to(吞并) Lappeenr


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