
惯性技术课件5 --惯导系统基本问题(哈工大版,1-16全).ppt

惯性技术课件5 --惯导系统基本问题(哈工大版,1-16全).ppt

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惯性技术课件5 --惯导系统基本问题(哈工大版,1-16全)

Lecture 5 -- Basic problems of INS Let’s start with an example of simplified navigation problem. Suppose the vehicle is moving on the earth’s surface. A platform is installed in the vehicle, which platform is supported by gimbal system. Suppose that the platform is to simulate the local geographical frame. Because there is no vertical moment, only two accelerometers are installed on the platform, among which AE is to measure the east acceleration and the AN is to measure the north acceleration. So we have aE and aN. Then aE and aN are integrated to obtain the east velocity VE and the north velocity VN respectively. Further integration of the velocities produces the displacement of the vehicle in the east and north directions. For navigation on the earth’s surface, however, people often prefer using latitude and longitude to describe the position of the vehicle. Therefore, the displacements of the vehicle on the earth’s surface need to be converted to changes of latitude and longitude. Such conversion involves a parameter of the earth -- its radius, and the current latitude. This part will be explained in detail later. The foundation of such a basic navigation system includes a stabilized platform that keeps tracking the local level and the local north and east directions. Then, there are accelerometers that measure the acceleration of the vehicle in the north and east directions. * * Basic Problems of INS 惯导系统的基本问题 outline 惯性导航基本概念 加速度计的测量 – 比力 惯导系统的误差 地球表面导航情况下的相对加速度获取 1.1*基本概念 简化例子: 安装了惯导平台的载体在地球的表面运动 N E AN AE 对加速度分量的积分(integration)得到速度分量 对速度分量的积分得到位置 —— 纬度 (latitude) φ 和经度 (longitude) λ N E AN AE 1.2 系统组成 一个基本的惯性导航系统包括: 加速度计 稳定平台 -- 模拟导航坐标系 积分器 outline 惯性导航基本概念 加速度计的测量 – 比力 惯导系统的误差 地球表面导航情况下的相对加速度获取 2.1*比力 万有引力对加速度计输出的影响相当于给被测载体提供了一个附加向上的虚拟加速度。 加速度计直接测得的是载体的真实加速度和虚拟加速度之和,称其为比力 写成矢量形式 outline 惯性导航基本概念 加速度计的测量 – 比力 惯导系统的误差 地球表面导航情况下的相对加速度获取 3.0 单轴导航系统 简化的单轴导航 X, Y, Z -- 当地地理坐标系 Xp, Yp, Zp --平台坐标系 platform axis gyro accelero


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