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西南林业大学 本科毕业(设计)论文 (2015届) 题 目:木材干燥箱PLC控制系统(人机界面部分) 教学院系: 机械与交通学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 指导老师: 评 阅 人: 木材干燥箱人机界面设计 (西南林业大学 机械与交通学院 云南 昆明 ) 摘要:人机界面技术是随着计算机技术的发展,为了满足非专业计算机用户操作计算机的需要而逐渐成熟与完善起来的,由用户通过显示屏输入信息以实现对计算机的控制。人机界面在工业控制系统占有非常重要的作用,特别是随着工控技术以及自动化的发展,人机界面技术一直受到世界各国的普遍重视并得到了飞速发展。了解人机界面的的结构以及组态是操作、改进、设计人机界面的前提。 本文是基于PID控制木材干燥箱工作原理及控制要求等,在查阅相关文献的基础上,通过现场调研分析木材干燥箱的工作原理机控制原理,完成了该设备的人机界面设计,并利用组态软件完成了人机界面的设计。通过该设计,将自己所学的知识和理论结合起来,对PLC和人机界面的设计有了更深刻的认识。 关键词:木材干燥箱;人机界面;PLC; Wood drying box?interface?part Chenjie (Machinery and Transportation Institute,Southwest forestry university, Kunming,Yunnan China) Abstract: Man-machine interface technology with the development of computer technology, in order to meet the needs of non professional computer users to operate computers and gradually mature and perfect them, by the user through the display input information to realize the control of the computer. Man-machine interface plays a very important role in industrial control system, especially with the development of industrial control technology and automation, human-computer interface technology has been the subject of widespread attention all over the world and has been the rapid development. To understand the structure of man-machine interface and configuration is the premise of operation, improvement, design of man-machine interface. The purpose of this paper is the wood drying box working principle and control requirements for PID control based on, after consulting relevant literature based on, through field investigation of the working principle of the wood drying box machine control principle, completed the design of man-machine interface of the device, and use configuration software to complete the design of man machine interface. Through the design, they will learn th


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