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毕业论文 弗洛伊德理论下的 《厄舍府的倒塌》人物内涵分析 An Analysis of the Connotation of Characters in The Fall of the House of Usher in the Light of Freudian Theory AN ANALYSIS OF THE CONNOTATION OF CHARACTERS IN THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER IN THE LIGHT OF FREUDIAN THEORY _______________________________________________________ A Bachelor’s Thesis Presented to The Department of English Language Renmin University of China _______________________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree _______________________________________________________ By Ke Shanshan April, 2010 Abstract Edgar Allan Poe was an important novelist,poet and critic of the 19th century America. He had a unique style and created various characters in his works. The Fall of the House of Usher is one of his best-known short stories of mystery and horror. In this story, Poe shaped the hero, named Roderick Usher, to an extreme person who had a totally weird inner world. He seemed to be lunatic and eccentric and even couldn’t distinguish reality from illusion. The narrator was the one who had reason and wit but nearly lost himself. And Madeline, the twin sister of Roderick, was oppressed and controlled. The study attempts to analyze the three characters and the relationship between them in the light of Freudian theory. In the end, a conclusion is drawn that Roderick, the narrator, and Madeline, respectively represent the three basic parts of psyche, namely, id, ego and super-ego. Key words: Freudian theory, psyche, id, ego, super-ego. 摘要 埃德加·爱伦·坡是十九世纪美国重要的小说家、诗人和评论家,他是恐怖小说的大师,也使哥特式小说达到巅峰,同时还被誉为精神分析批评与侦探小说之父。他的作品风格独一无二,人物形象独特多样。《厄舍府的倒塌》是坡最著名的短篇恐怖小说之一。在这部小说中,坡延续了他一贯的哥特式风格,譬如故事背景里颓败的府邸,阴森的墓室;再比如,腐朽没落的贵族家庭,身染重病的主人公兄妹。从环境到人物,都营造出一种近乎残酷的阴暗与血腥。小说的手法和风格无疑都是为作品的完整性服务,从而确立某种效果,展现对人类内心的探索。爱伦坡塑造了一个看似精神错乱的古怪的主人公罗德瑞克,一名神智清醒而又险些迷乱的叙述者,以及被压迫的失去自我的女主人公马德琳。诸多评论家都围绕着罗德瑞克与马德琳的关系对该作品展开了深入探讨,但却忽视了叙述者对故事的重要意义。本文拟从弗洛伊德人格基本结构的理论入手,对上述三个人物角色进行综合分析,得出以下结论:罗德瑞


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