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李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 1 1.既往不咎,尽释前嫌。 2.一个无可争议的事实是,家庭理财正成为各方资本一致看好的热土。但是,许多来自市场的利空消息却使众多想一试身手的老百姓望而生畏,一会儿是股票不断跳水,一会儿又是基金指数下挫,甚至各个投资业都有黑幕发生,让辛辛苦苦攒钱的工薪族紧攥手里的“绣球”不敢抛出去。《算账》一书的出现极好地解决了上述问题,书中融会了许多中国现行的投资工具、操作方法以及心得体会,将第一手的资料送到读者的手中,并根据不同读者群设置了大量的权威测评,定制特色理财模式。 1.Forgive and forget. 2.there is no doubt that to manage money affairs for each family has become the focus of attention of various parities. But those ordinary people who want to make better use of their money were greatly discouraged by the numerous bad news in capital markets. They are hesitant to make any investment with their hard-earned money because of the fact that the stock price shrank by a large margin, which is followed by the sharp fall of the financial index, even by the shady deals. The book “Accounting” offers excellent solutions to the above problems by introducing the first-hand materials to the readers, including many tools and methods of investment, experience introduction from experts, a large number of authoritative evaluation questions, and particular modes of managing money affairs for different groups of readers. 李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 2 好事不出门,坏事传千里。 2.随着人才竞争日益激烈,高校的研究计划也越发的昂贵,这使得企业有更多的机会“入侵”校园。美国大多数的药剂公司和整个学术部门签订了合同,实质上是一种学术垄断。据美国教育委员会主席Stanley O.Ikenberry研究发现,特别是在医学教育方面,过去10年,医学教育的质量和性质、决策者们的战略性选择更多的是被市场所左右,而不是从医学教育发展的长远目标出发。 1.Bad news travels fast. 2.With competition for talented people becoming fiercer, the budget of higher institutions of learning for research rose to a new height, giving more opportunities for the enterprises to get into schools. Most of the pharmaceutical companies have signed contracts with the whole academic circle,which is intrinsically a kind of academic monopoly. Stanley O.Ikenberry, president of the Commission of Education of the United States, discovered in his research that it was the market instead of the consideration for a long-term development of the medical science that determined the quality and nature of the medical education, and influenced the strategic choic


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