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工程硕士考前辅导(语法 3) 时态 ( 一般现在时) 习惯动作,一般状态,客观规律,永恒真理。 在以as soon as, when, after等引导的时间状语从句中 以if, unless等引导的条件状语从句中,用一般现在时 表将来的事情。 I’ll ring you as soon as he comes back. You’ll succeed if you try your best. Even if it _____ this afternoon, I’ll go there. A) Has rained B) will rain C) Rains D) will have rained 现在进行时 并不是所有动词都有进行时。 部分表状态和感觉的动词无进行时 (除非其词义发生变化) 这类动词有:be, love, like, hate, believe, think, feel, seem 等 Compare: Do you see any one over there? Are you seeing someone off? 现在进行时的其它用法 表将来的动作(计划、安排、将开始进行) I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 给习惯动作加上赞赏或讨厌等感情色彩: He is always finding fault with his employees. The naughty boy is constantly making trouble. Cindy is always cooking delicious food for her husband. 现在完成时 明显标示:句中出现表示到现在为止这段时间 的状语,用完成时, 此类状语有:up to/till now, so far, these days, For 后接表一段时间的短语: The conference has lasted for five days. Since 后接某个具体时间: We haven’t seen each other since we graduated in 1982. 过去时态种种 一般过去时: 不强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去。 He smoked forty cigarettes a day until he gave up. 倒底用一般过去时还是用完成时主要取决于动作是否对现在有影响 Cf: What did she say about it? I have lived in Beijing for 15 years. 过去完成时 (过去的过去) 句中有明显的参照动作,或有表达“到过去某时为止”的时间状语。 They found that a stream had formed in the field. By the end of war, the small shop had become a large one. 将来时态种种 一般将来时 Be going to, be to, be about to 表将来的动作,但含打算,计划,安排。 Will 表说话人认为、相信、希望或假定要发生的动作。 将来进行时: I’ll be having an English class this time tomorrow. 将来时态种种 将来完成时 They will have stayed here for five months next week. 现在完成进行时: I have been thinking it over. 我一直在考虑此事。 Cf: I have thought it over 我已考虑过 试一试 1.They fulfilled the plan earlier than they _____. A) have expected B) expected C) were expecting D) had expected 2. “ Will she finish the work soon?” “Yes, she ____ it by next Friday.” A) shall finish B) finish C) have finished D) will have finished


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