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The brain stem The brain  Telencephalon 端脑  Diencephalon间脑  Cerebellum 小脑  Brain stem 脑干 端脑Telencephalon 间脑Diencephalon 小脑Cerebellum 脑干Brain stem 中脑midbrain 脑桥pons 延髓ablongata medulla 脑的正中矢状切面 The brain stem 脑干 Consists  Midbrain 中脑  Pons 脑桥  Medulla oblongata延髓 中脑 脑桥上缘 脑桥 脑桥延髓沟 延髓 与后十对脑神经与之相连 脑干的外形(标本) 脑干前面观 脑干后面观 Medulla oblongata 延髓 Ventral surface  Pyramid 锥体: contain pyramidal tract (corticospinal tract)  Decussation of pyramid 锥体交叉: formed by crossing fibers of corticospinal tract  Olive 橄榄: produced by underlying inferior olivary nucleus  Anterolateral sulcus 前外侧沟: rootlets of hypoglossal nerve emerge from it  Retroolivary sulcus 橄榄后沟: rootlets of glossopharyngeal vagus accessory nerves emerge from it Medulla oblongata 延髓 Dorsal surface  Lower portion  Gracile tubercle薄束结节: produced by underlying gracile nucleus  Cuneate tubercle楔束结节: marks the site of cuneate nucleus  Inferior cerebellar peduncle 小脑下脚  Obex 闩  Upper portion: forms the lower half of rhomboid fossa 上界:延髓脑桥沟和髓纹 (striae medullares ) 倒置圆锥形 整体形态 下界:平枕骨大孔 中央管、菱形窝下半 前正中裂 锥体交叉 (decussation of pyramid ) • 锥体 (pyramid) 延 腹面 前外侧沟-- 舌下神经根(hypoglossal nerve N.XII) 髓 橄榄 (olive)--下橄榄核 橄榄后沟--舌咽神经、迷走神经、副神经的根丝 上部--菱形窝下半 薄束结节 (gracile tubercle) 背面 下部 楔束结节 (cuneate tubercle) 小脑下脚


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