教学设计-How long have you studied English).ppt

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教学设计-How long have you studied English)

Module 4 Education Unit 1 How long have you studied English? 教 学 设 计 课型 Listening and speaking 教 材 分 析 This unit is the first part of this module. It presents a conversation in which the structure “How long have you…?” and “I have… for …” We can ask the students “How long have you studied English?” Tell them to use the structure “for…” 教学目标: To enable the students to get detail information in listening. To enable them to talk about their experiences with “How long have you …?”. To let them know sth about what Project Hope has done. Big eyes Do you know this girl? Her name is Su Mingjuan. 教学重点,难点: To master how to read the year “1995, 2007…” To get both main idea of the listening . To practice questions and answers about “How long …” and “for … since…”. To know the difference between “for … since…” Key structure and phrases: Get on well with Project Hope/ Hope Schools A foreign language How long have you studied English? For four years. /Since 2003 All over China Tell me more Unit 2 Project Hope has built many schools. 教 学 设 计 课型 Reading and writing 教 材 分 析 This unit is the second part of Module 4. It presents further target grammar, the Present Perfect Tense, through reading. It includes further vocabulary items related to the overall theme of the module, Education. 教学目标: To get more information from reading material about Project Hope and Hope Schools. To match words with meanings. To join sentences with and, or, but. you …?”. To let them know sth about what Project Hope has done. Project Hope Hope Schools 希望工程是中国青基会发起倡导并组织实施的一项社会公益事业,其宗旨是资助贫困地区失学儿童重返校园,建设希望小学,改善农村办学条件。希望工程自1989年10月实施以来,至2004年15年间累计接受海内外捐款22亿多元,资助250多万名贫困学生上学读书,援建希望小学9508所,在每100所农村小学中,就有2所是希望小学,培训希望小学和农村小学教师2300馀名。 教学重点: Key words, phrases:drop out of school stop doing, a few years ago, look after, hear of,with the help of,raise money, pay for, hear of, because of,thousands of , be ill , go abroad , play so


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