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If he plays his cards right, he may still stand a chance of winning. If he plays his cards right, he can become the owner in a few years. If he plays his cards right, he will succeed. If he plays his cards right, he will get here in time. If he plays his cards right, he can still pass his exam. If he plays his cards right, he can get a good job. consider remarking on any substantial progress the firm has made within the past year, or cite an area of company involvement that interests you. A.考虑谈一下这个公司在过去一年中取得的实质性进展,或者提一下该公司曾涉足的一个有趣的地区。 B.考虑谈一下这个公司在过去一年中取得的实质性进展,或者提一下该公司让你感兴趣的某一个领域。 C.考虑一下这个公司在过去一年中有没有任何实质性进展,或者提一下该公司曾涉足的一个有趣的地区。 Useful expressions 第一印象 持久的 处理得当 从中获利 关键时期 社会地位 所见 所闻 恰当的眼神交流也很重要。一项研究发现,眼神交流更多的求职者会被认为更机灵、更可靠、更自信、更有责任心。 实话实说 。你的目标是展示信心,获得信任。要赢得良好的第一印象就得使自己的谈吐与肢体语言和外表协调一致。否则,含混的信息肯定会把面试官弄糊涂。 X 与面试官的谈话要善始善终。例如,如果你研究过该公司的年度报告——本来就应该研究过——可以考虑谈一谈该公司在过去的一年里取得的实质性进展,或者提一提该公司让你感兴趣的某一领域。离开时,概述一下为什么你是最适合的人选,并感谢对方提供面试机会。 X 如克里斯托弗·拉斯奇所说:“显得成功你才会真的成功。”因此,利用好关键的头四分钟:打扮得体、举止自信、谈吐有力——那么你想要的工作就可能是你的了。 X … if you play your cards right, you can enjoy the benefits of what sociologists call the “halo effect” … (Para. 1) … if you can make good use of the favorable conditions when you are first interviewed, you are bound to benefit from the positive first impression left on others … Article … the person you’ve met is likely to assume that everything you do is positive. (Para. 1) … the person who interviewed you will probably think whatever you do is right and proper. Article We know “it’s what inside that counts,” … (Para. 3) When it comes to judging a person, it’s usually his or her inner character, instead of the physical appearance, that counts, … article Your goal should be to come across in the best possible light … (Para. 3) You should aim at showing your best side. Article Yet many people fail to understand the importance of projecting a professional image. (Para. 5) It is important to dress in a professional way, but many people do


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