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企业运营中的EHS风险管理 随着当今社会经济的发展,在现代化工程项目的建设中,对人生命的珍惜,对健康和关注,对环境的保护已经成为一个企业的最重要的衡量指标。基于现代工业安全生产风险管理的相关理论及方法,本文在分析借鉴各行业领域风险预警研究及应用成果的基础之上,提出了企业运营中的EHS风险管理控制的实施原则及方法体系。结合实际课题需求,在企业运营过程中开展了EHS风险管理控制的理论研究,探讨了HSE风险管理在企业运营中的具体机制、模式、方法和技术。目前我国正处于一个安全生产事故多发时期,威胁企业发展和人民生命财产安全的安全风险正随着经济的发展不断攀升。因此开展企业运营中的EHS风险管理研究具有重要的意义。 论文开篇首先介绍了EHS风险管理体系的研究背景和意义,在国内外的应用情况,对论文的研究方法、内容和创新点做一个简明的概述。其次论述EHS的起源及发展以及在我国的发展。然后结合企业营运中EHS风险管理的各个阶段,对EHS风险管理的原则、特征、目标量化和实施进行了总结。在此基础上,探讨了企业风险的识别,并从定性和定量两个角度建立企业EHS风险评价体系。最后从九个方面具体论述了如何建立和完善EHS风险管理体系,并对提出了企业EHS风险管理体系的持续推动策略。 关键词:企业运营; EHS风险;风险管理;风险识别 Abstract:With development of social and economic nowadays, in the modern construction of the project, the treasure of human life and concern for the health, environmental protection has become an enterprise of the most important measure. Production based on modern industrial safety-related risk management theory and methods, this paper analyzes the field of risk warning drawing on various industries and application of the results of research based on the proposed business operations in the implementation of EHS risk management principles and methods of control system. With the actual subject of the demand, the business operations carried out during the EHS risk management, control theory, explores the HSE risk management in the business operations of the specific mechanisms, models, methods and techniques. At present, China is in a safe and accident-prone period of production, business development and the safety threatens of life and property safety risks are rising along with economic development. Therefore, to carry out business operations in the EHS Risk Management is of great significance. Paper begins with the first EHS risk management system introduced the research background and significance of the application at home and abroad, the papers research methods, content and innovation to make a concise overview. Followed, the origins and development of EHS and its development in China are introduced. Then combin


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