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* Choice of Grammatical Meanings Examples: round:1.They are dancing in a round(名词) 他们围城一圈跳舞 2.The ship rounded the cape of Good Hope(动词) 船绕过了好望角 3.He worked round the day(介词) 他工作了一整天 4.The earth is not completely round(形容词) 地球不是完全圆的 From the above examples,we can see that the same word used as different parts of speech and playing different roles in a sentence ,has different meanings.(即同一词作不同的词性时,有不同的意思,而且同一词的单复数形式,或不同时态 和语态都会影响其语法意义。)例如: Girl 女孩 Girls 女孩子们 1.The dog is fighting with a cat. 这只狗正在和一只猫打架。 2.The dog fighted with a cat. 这只狗刚刚和一只猫打了一架。 Drills : 1.I saw him saw with a saw in a sawmill 2.I iron my clothes with an iron 3.Paper the walls with white paper 4.Brush your hair with the hairbrush 5.I lighted the lamp,but it gave a bad light 参考答案: 1.我在锯木厂看见他用锯子锯东西 2.我用熨斗熨衣服 3.用白纸裱糊墙 4.我用这把梳子梳头发 5.我点燃这盏灯,但它不亮 3.4 Choice of Collocative Meanings 1.Some words have the same basic meanings,but differ in collocation,that is ,they have different collocative meanings. Eg:约翰是个明智的人 John is a man of sense(对) John is a man of meaning(错) 害怕 Be afraid of(正确) Be fear of (错)没有这种搭配形式,只有be in fear of 熟睡:Sound asleep 清醒:Wide awake/fully awake 快餐 Fast food(正确) Fast meal(错误) A quick meal(正确) A fast meal(错误) Eg: 尽一切努力做某事 Make every effort to(正确) Do every effort to(错误) 2.A good collocation in English may not be acceptable when translated Into chinese,or vice versa. Eg:A handsome car 英俊的车子(直译,显得生硬,拗口,搭配不当) 酷车,靓车(搭配得当,听起来更自然,合适) 大雨 A heavy rain(正确) A big rain(错误的表达,典型的中国式英语) 3.A word can have different collocative meaning in different context.eg: build,heavy,good我们一般将它们译 为“建造”,“重”,“好的”。但它们在具体的搭配中有其恰当的搭配 意义,我们不能生搬硬套这些翻译,否则会显得生硬,搭配不当。 Build: build a house(盖房子);build a fire(生火);build one’s confidence(树立信心) ; build an answer(思索作答) Heavy: a heavy demand(苛求);a heavy crop(丰收); a heavy buyer(大主户);heavy sorrow(折磨人的悲哀) Good: good soil(肥沃的土壤);good eggs(新鲜的蛋);a good hour(整整一小时);good humor(愉快的心情) More practice: 1.Did you ever get the pictures developed? 2.We will develop a few of these points