Stylistics Analysis of Obama’s Presidential Election Victory Speech.ppt

Stylistics Analysis of Obama’s Presidential Election Victory Speech.ppt

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Stylistics Analysis of Obama’s Presidential Election Victory Speech

Stylistics Analysis of Obama’s Presidential Election Victory Speech 圣经文体 美国是一个受宗教影响深远的国家,多数人信奉基督教。据说,美国每个家庭都有一部《圣经》。因此,《圣经》对美国文化的影响极为深远。这篇演讲稿很明显也受到《圣经》影响,具备圣经文体的一些特征。 《圣经》是对上帝表达敬意的文本,在语言上具有以下几个特点: 1.用词典雅、具体,较少运用粗俗、抽象的词语。 2.格律平整,韵调和谐,轻重音均匀分布,对称结构多。 3.段落多而简洁。 4.句子结构简单、完整,多用连词,少用缩略式。 5.大量使用修辞手段。 Public Speech As to public speech, persuasion is the most complex and difficult aspect. Its job is to change the audience’s minds-to get them to agree and perhaps to act. Its goal maybe to de-fend an idea, to refute an opponent, to sell a programme, or to inspire people to action. 演讲时演讲者通过语言将演讲内容传递给听众,因此演讲属于一种口语体。对于口语体语篇分析离不开对语音层面的描写,诸如音色、节奏、语速、停顿等因素都会直接或间接地决定或影响口头表达的风格和效果。 1.Appropriate tempo and pitch variation Tempo(语速)refers to the relative speed of utteranse.A slow tempo is related to special care and seriousness whereas a fast tempo suggests an off-hand dismissal or cheerful way. In president Obama‘s address, he spoke in different pitches and tempos with the development of his speech. In order to show his feelings and emotions, president Obama used different pitches and tempos in different parts. 他非常有技巧地加快或放慢语速,这篇演讲共有2050个单词,整篇演讲约持续16分48秒,平均语速约为122wpm(单词每分钟,下同)。而母语为英语的人讲话平均语速为150wpm,奥巴马的演讲速度比一般人讲话慢就是为了让听众们更好理解其内容。 2.Rightly timed pauses Here, pauses are used appropriately, waiting for audience’s feedback and make emotional climax. 停顿:在这篇演讲中,奥巴马语速十分平缓,几乎每一句都有停顿给听众以足够的时间来理解自己的意图。同时停顿还可以让奥巴马有时间和台下观众互动,达到很好的交流效果,在这次演讲中明显的停顿有4处。 (Pause in public speech is useful. It can signal the end of a thought unit, give an idea tome to sink in, and lend dramatic impact to a statement. The crucial factor is timing pause for a right length of time. In a sense, a rightly timed pause can be more effective than a right word.) 3. Rhythmic effect (Obama often seeks to exploit the rhythm of language by the choice and arrangement of words. Obama’s arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables gives the speech an almost


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