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* Translation of Chinese Dishes 1. Translation for dishes which begin with major ingredient (以主料开头的翻译方法) 2. Translation for dishes which begin with cooking method(以烹制方法开头的翻译方法) 3. Translation for dishes which begin with material’s shape or taste(以形状或口感开头的翻译方法 ) The principle of the translation of Chinese dishes 1. Translation for dishes which begin with major ingredient 以主料开头的翻译方法(2 parts) A. Major ingredient +(with) Accessory 主料(形状)+(with)辅料 杏仁鸡丁: Examples: chicken cubes with almond 西红柿炒蛋: Scrambled egg with tomato 提示: 杏仁 almond B. Major ingredient (shape) +(with ,in) flavoring 主料(形状)+(with,in)调味品 Examples : 葱油鸡: chicken in Scallion oil 米酒鱼卷: fish rolls with rice wine 2. Translation for dishes which begin with cooking method:以烹制方法开头的翻译方法 A. Cooking methods+ Major ingredient 烹法+主料(形状) Examples : 软炸里脊: soft-fried pork fillet 烤乳猪: roast suckling pig B. Cooing methods+ Major ingredient+ (with, in)+ Flavoring 烹法+主料(形状)+(with, in) 调味品 Examples : 红烧牛肉: braised beef with brown sauce 3. Translation for dishes which begin with material’s shape or taste(以形状或口感开头的翻译方法 ) A. Flavor + Cooking methods + Major ingredient 口感+烹法+主料 Examples : 香酥排骨: crisp fried spareribs 水煮(嫩)鱼: tender stewed fish B. Shape (Flavor) +Major ingredient +(with) Accessory 形状(口感)+主料+(with)辅料 Examples : 芝麻酥鸡 crisp chicken with sesame 搞笑的菜名翻译,吼吼~ 1、直译类,这类比较简单 锅贴 pot sicker(这个翻译非常直接,锅就是锅,贴就是贴) 酸辣汤 hot sour soup(又辣又酸的汤) 春卷 spring rolls(春天的卷) 炒杂菜 mixed vegetable(混合在一起的菜) 叫化鸡 beggars chicken(乞丐鸡) 四喜丸子 four-joy meatballs(四个快乐的肉球) 火锅 hot pot(热锅) 2、音译类 馄饨 won ton 叉烧 char shiu 炒面 chow mein 捞面 lo mein 炒河粉 chow fun 豆腐 tofu 麻婆豆腐 mar-boh tofu 3、曲译类 中国菜名中一些非常诗意的元素,用英文实在无法体现出来。 白云凤爪 chicken leg(鸡脚) 四宝豆腐羹 steam tofu soup(蒸豆腐汤) 游龙戏凤 chicken, shrimp, squid w/ mixed vegetable(鸡,虾,鱿鱼,杂菜) 炒素丁 vegetable roll(菜卷子) 鸳鸯馒头 shanghai buns(上海馒头) 雪哈红莲 bird nest red bean soup(鸟窝红豆汤) *


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