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用“相对源观对”解析“惯性力”和等效原理 汤克云 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 中国科学院国家天文台 kytang@bao.ac.cn 摘要 爱因斯坦强等效原理认为,“惯性力”场与引力场对一切物理效应等效。什么是“惯性力”,源起何处?牛顿、马赫和爱因斯坦各有看法,这是一个悬而未决的基础物理学难题。我们用“相对源观对”取代了无法定义的“惯性系”,重新表述了经典物理定律,发现“惯性力”的本质是物理源与观测者之间的相对加速度(RAOSO)。 本文将物体的质量(所含物质的量)定义为物体的第一内禀特性,与物体的运动状态及受力状态无关,则自然只存在一种质量。如果引力是物理源和观测者之间的唯一作用力,则源观相对加速度RAOSO等于引力加速度;当我们考虑“一切物理效应”,引力不再是物理源和观测者之间的唯一作用力,则源观相对加速度RAOSO不再等于引力加速度,强等效原理不能成立。 在牛顿水桶实验中,是人力让水在短时间内转动起来,产生了源(水)观(地球)相对加速度—即所谓的“惯性力”。在这短时间内,地球和遥远天体的引力并无显著变化,即使遥远天体的引力发生了显著变化,也不可能在短时间内传递至水桶。所以,水的“惯性力”与地球的引力无关,更与遥远天体对水的引力无关。 关键词:惯性系,惯性力,等效原理,相对源观对,源观相对加速度,牛顿水桶实验,马赫原理 An analysis on inertial force and the equivalence principle by the relative pair of source and observer Keyun Tang Institute of geology and geophysics, Chinese academy of sciences National astronomical observatory, Chinese academy of sciences Abstract Einstein’s strong equivalence principle believes that the inertial field and gravitational field are equivalent to all physical effects. What is the inertial force, where is its origin? Newton, Mach and Einstein all have different points of view; this is a difficult and unsolved problem in basic physics. We have replaced the concept of inertial system by relative pair of physical source and observer (RPOSO), and re-described the laws of classical physics, found that the nature of inertial force is the relative acceleration between the physical source and the observer (RABSO). This paper defines the mass as the first intrinsic characteristics of the object, which had nothing to do with its motion state, and there naturally is only one kind of mass concept. If gravity is the only force between physical source and observer, the relative acceleration between source and observer (RABSO) should be equal to the gravitational acceleration. If we consider all physical effects, it means that gravity is no longer the only acting force between the source and the observer, RABSO is not equal to the gravitational acceleration, and, of course, the strong equivalence pr


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