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cAMP receptor protein (CRP) CRP is a transcriptional activator which is activated by binding to cAMP. cAMP level rise when glucose is lacking. to enhance the transcription level. However, it is only active when cAMP bound, and cAMP is controlled by glucose. CRP activator mediates the global regulation of gene expression from catabolic operons in response to glucose levels. CRP-binding site is an inverted repeat. lactose operon I:调节基因,编码阻遏物 P:启动基因,与RNA聚合酶结合,起始转录 O:操纵基因,开关,与I基因编码的阻遏物结合 无乳糖则I基因编码的阻遏物结合到O基因,Z、Y、A不表达 若有乳糖—别乳糖,与阻遏物结合,阻遏物构象改变,失去阻遏作用,结构基因可以表达 a y z o p i 结构基因 控制位点 调节基因 乳糖操纵子 a y z o p i o CAP与cAMP形成复合物,结合在lac operon的启动基因上,促进转录的进行。 cAMP-CAP是正调控因子,阻遏蛋白是负调控因子。 三、色氨酸操纵子的调控机制 色氨酸操纵子(trp operon)属于阻遏型操纵子,主要参与调控一系列用于色氨酸合成代谢的酶蛋白的转录合成。当细胞内缺乏色氨酸时,此操纵子开放,合成Trp 而当细胞内合成的色氨酸过多时,此操纵子被关闭。 色氨酸操纵子的调控机制与乳糖操纵子类似,但通常情况下,操纵子处于开放状态,其辅阻遏蛋白不能与操纵基因结合而阻遏转录。 而当色氨酸合成过多时,色氨酸作为辅阻遏物与辅阻遏蛋白结合而形成阻遏蛋白,后者与操纵基因结合而使基因转录关闭。 A B C D E o p L a trpR trpP trpO trpE trpD trpC trpB trpA E. coli 色氨酸操纵子模型 Trp合成途径还存在色氨酸操纵子中衰减子所引起的衰减调节。 The attenuator 1. Lies at the end of the transcribed leader sequence of 162 nt that precedes the trpE initiator codon. 2. Increase both the basal and the activated (derepressed) levels of transcription when delete the attenuator . 3. The attenuator is a ρ-independent terminator site(GC-rich palindrome),fellows a eight successive U residues. 4. It acts a highly efficient transcription terminator and only a 140bp transcipt is synthesized when form a hairpin structure in RNA transcipt . 转录衰减(attenuation)机制,比阻遏作用更精细 决定转录起始后是否继续 即在色氨酸操纵子第一个结构基因与启动基因之间存在有一衰减区域,当细胞内色氨酸酸浓度很高时,通过与转录相偶联的翻译过程,形成一个衰减子结构,使RNA聚合酶从DNA上脱落,导致转录终止 Leader RNA structure Complementary 3:4 termination of transcription Complementary 2:3 Elongation of transcription The leader sequence contain four regions (sequence 1,2,3,4) of complementary sequence and form different structures 14–amino-acid (encoded by 27-68 of the leader RNA 10th and 11th codons encode trp residues (rare AA) has an effic


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