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XX房地产项目前期策划及可行性研究 专业:工程管理 学生:XX 指导教师:XX 摘 要 随着我国经济的持续发展,我们居民的经济收入和文化水平都在不断提升,市民的消费水平以及购买能力也在稳步增长,住房需求作为中国的一种传统需求,其市场也将随着整个经济环境的提升而备受青睐。随着需求的增加,依照市场规律,供给也会随之跟上,房地产市场的热潮会继续跟进,但是作为一个理性的投资者,就应该杜绝盲目投资,贸然跟进。可是现时我国房地产行业中就存在着很多急功近利的投资者,只看到房地产行业的高回报,没有看到房地产行业的高风险,没有任何依据就盲目的投资,结果使得项目投资风险加剧,很多中途因为这因为那的原因而导致项目无法继续开发下去。这不仅不利于投资者本身的利益,也不利于整个房地产行业的稳定发展。在经过很多实际案例的经验教训后,作为房地产开发的重要一环项目前期策划与可行性研究也随着房地产行业的火热而备受人们重视。 本文以广汉市东升国府房地产开发项目为载体,参考多种资料书籍,运用科学的方法,从项目背景、市场调研、经济分析以及风险管理等多方面对房地产开发前期策划与可行性研究做进行分析阐述,以求为以后的房地产项目开发决策提供一个可参考借鉴的样本。 关键词:市场调研 前期策划 可行性研究 XX government planning and real estate projects in prefeasibility study Major:?Project Management Student: XX Instructor: XX Abstract With the continued development of our economy, our residents and cultural level of income are rising, peoples consumption level and purchasing power is steadily increasing, housing demand as Chinas demand for a traditional, its market as a whole will also be?improve the economic environment has become widely accepted.?As demand increases, in accordance with laws of the market, supply will follow to keep up with the real estate market boom will continue to follow, but as a rational investor, you should put an end to blind investment, hasty action.?However, the real estate industry in China now there are a lot of quick success to investors, only to see the real estate industrys high returns, have not seen the real estate industrys high risk, there is no basis to blind investment, the result that increased investment risk?, because this way because many of the reasons which led to the development project can not continue to go on.?This is not conducive to the interests of investors themselves, is not conducive to the stable development of the entire real estate industry.?After many lessons learned from actual cases, the real estate development as an important part of project planning and pre-feasibility study along with the hot real estate industry has attracted the attention of people. In this paper,?the


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