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How to get the right people in the right jobs如何找到适合的人来做适合的工作?如何做到适才适所? 如何做到知人善任?Traditional interviews arent useful for spotting the qualities of leaders who execute【传统的面谈方式,在挑选具有执行力的主管时,并不太管用】. Too often they focus on the chronology of an individuals career development and the outline of specific assignments shes had. 传统的面谈方式,在挑选具有执行力的主管时,并不太管用,因为主试者大多将焦点放在应征者的职业生涯发展与负责过的任务上,但是却忽略其真正的表现。Interviewers dont usually dig into【】the persons record to see how she actually performed in her previous jobs. How, for example, did she set priorities她如何设定工作的优先顺序? Did she include people in decision making? How to make decisions? Can she justifiably take credit for因...而得到好评those good financial results, or was she just moving from position to position one step ahead of calamity? There are far too many examples of people who have chalked up【chalk up v.记下, 得到】an admirablerecord by the numbers at the expense of people and then left behind a weakened organization.我们应注意应征者是如何设定工作顺序、如何决策、是否会倾听别人的意见、公司的杰出表现是否是自己的功劳或是运气好?…find out about their past and present accomplishments, how they think, and what drives their ambitions.确认应征者过去的成就、想法及工作抱负背后的驱动力。深入分析工作性质analyze in-depththe specific qualities for the job许多领导人并未界定某人到底具备何种特质,才能胜任目前的工作。其实很多领导人也不清楚出任某项工作该具备的三到四项的条件(three or four nonnegotiable[???????????????]不可谈判的 criteria)——缺乏这些条件的人必定无法胜任。勇于采取果断行动take decisive actions许多人都会遇到单位里某人绩效不佳,却能年复一年稳如泰山。主要的原因是,其主管缺乏情绪韧性(emotional fortitude),不愿采取果断行动处理而导致冲突。这种情况会伤害公司,如果缺乏绩效者占据高位,更可能断送公司的前途。摆脱个人好恶许多用人不当的情况,是因为主管晋升的人是与自己合得来的下属。若是这种信赖感来自错误的原因,可能会酿成公司严重的问题。培养个人担当personal commitment让员工获得正确的工作经验,如接触多方面的工作、向别人讨教、给予坦承的回馈,并向他们提供指导。LarrySome people interview well, and some nonetheless be the best choice for the job.That’s why it’s so important to probe deeply, know what to listen for, and getsupplemental data. It takes time and effort to drill down further, but it’s always worth thetrouble.The first things I look for are energy and enthusiasm for execution. Does the candidateget excited by doing things, as oppos