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策划:《学生双语报》 Wang peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very _________ (沮丧的) because his c___________ did not come to his restaurant as they always did. He felt very strange. He _________ (跟随) his friend to a newly opened restaurant _______ offered to make people thin in two weeks. The new restaurant was ___ of customers. Driven by _______ (好奇心), Wang Peng came in to take a look at the menu. He was a________ at what he saw. He hurried to the library and did some r_________, trying to ______ his customers back. Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign. The ____________ (竞争) between the two restaurants was on! 1. Wang Peng’s research showed____. A. his menu was balanced. B. Yong Hui’s menu was balanced. C. neither menu was balanced. D. both menus were balanced. 2. Why did Yong Hui come to Wang’s restaurant a week later? A. Because she was very curious about Wang’s restaurant. B. Because she thought he had spied on her restaurant and was very angry. C. Because she was a new customer in it. D. Because she did not feel well. 3. What did they eat in Wang’s restaurant? A. Dumplings, and breast of chicken cooked with garlic. B. Raw vegetables, fruit and rice. C. Water and ice cream. D. Dumplings, fruit and rice. 4. What does the phrase “cut down” mean in the last paragraph? A. “produce”. B. “reduce”. C. “increase”. D. “add”. 5. Wang suggested they should combine the menu because_____. A. he did not want to make Yong Hui angry B. he did not want to lose his customers C. he wanted to provide a balanced menu D. it would make him slimmer 4. I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu. 1. 他负债累累,不得不削减开支。 2. 我们得益于每天一杯牛奶。 3. 他的母亲以洗衣为生。 4. I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food. 吃了这么多油腻的、难消化的食物,我都觉的恶心了。 (3)miss n.未击中,得不到,抓不到 The car almost hit him, it was a near miss. He scored nine hit and one miss. (4) missing: “失掉” “不见”,强调“应该有而缺少” lost: “遗失” “不易找到”. gone: “失掉”, “不见了”,基本相当于missing. 6. Well, I do have t


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