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Knowledge Management Research: A Personal Experience T.P. Liang National Sun Yat-sen University November 7, 2006 Importance of KM Research The importance of knowledge in business Managing knowledge is a difficult and continuing process A challenging question: How can knowledge be managed properly to improve firm performance? 知識管理是21世紀的管理趨勢 資料、資訊、知識、智慧關係 內隱知識與外顯知識的比較 不同的知識特性 知識、智慧資本與企業價值 個人知識與組織知識的轉換 Nonaka的知識成長模式 知識管理的基本工具 創造 分類/儲存 索引/檢索 過濾/篩選 導覽 使用分析 知識推薦 Research in Knowledge Management Conceptual Knowledge management cycles Framework of knowledge management Technical KMS development Knowledge recommendation Managerial Knowledge management implementation KM and performance Major constructs of KM Nature of knowledge Organizational environment Nature of organization Knowledge management activities and processes (cycles) KM platform: infrastructure and KMS Nature of users and intermediaries Effect of KM on organizations Sample Studies Effect of Knowledge Diversity on Firm Performance Capability and Task Technology Fit on Individual Performance Personalization and Customer-Centric Systems Effect of Knowledge Diversity on Firm Performance Research Problem Should an industry focus on a few key categories of knowledge or a broad coverage of all knowledge in order to be competitive? Does the adoption of IT have any relationship with the value of knowledge and firm performance? Ecological model in Organization Hannon and Freeman (1989) proposed the ecological view of organization that seeks to understand how social conditions affect the rates in which new organizations and new organizational forms arises, the rates at which organizations change forms, and the rates at which organizations die out. 何謂生態學? 生態學(Ecology)是研究生物與其周圍環境相互關係的科學。亦即,生態學是研究在某一特定範圍內,生物與生物之間、生物與環境之間相互影響關係的科學。 生態學亦可以被視為是一種巨觀的生物學 生態學以不同層次的角度觀察生物,包含: 個體(Organism) 物種(Species) 族群(Population) 群落(Community) 生態系統(Ecosystem) 生態學的DICE模式 基於生態學理論的歸納,生物族群在生態系統內的關係,主要可以分成分佈、互動、競爭、演化四個階段,並形成一個循環,命名為DICE模式。 分佈(Distribu


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