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The X-ray Sky Chandra Sky Map 2. X射线辐射 (1) 能源 吸积物质引力势能→动能→热能→X射线辐射 其中 为吸积率,R为引力半径 (2) 产能率 能量转换效率 (仅与天体的致密程度有关) 吸积天体 白矮星 中子星 黑洞 核反应 (H燃烧) 产能率η ~0.01% ~10% ~10% -42% ~0.7% 对中子星和黑洞,吸积是最为有效的产能形式 3. 分类和观测特征 高质量X射线双星 低质量X射线双星 High-Mass X-ray Binaries Donor star has early spectral type (O, B), M10M⊙ HMXBs are usually X-ray pulsars 辐射机制: 强磁场→吸积流内区截断→吸积柱(磁极)→束状辐射 Low-Mass X-ray Binaries Donor star has late spectral type (A and later), I.e. M1.2M⊙ LMXBs are usually X-ray bursters. 4U1705-44 爆发机制: 吸积中子星表面H壳层的失控热核反应. 爆发间隔 ~ 几小时. 爆发能 10-5新星. 中子星比白矮星更为致密 表面积小→爆发物质量少 表面温度高→X射线 Black Hole Candidates Persistent Black Hole Candidates in HMXBs Cyg X-1 Transient Black Hole Candidates in LMXBs Microquasars BHCs with strong radio jets. Superluminal motion. The first galactic superluminal source GRS 1915+105 SS 433 吸积产生喷流 轨道周期:13 days 喷流速度:0.26 c 喷流进动周期:164days 致密星: 中子星?黑洞? Jets from SS 433 Soft X-ray image * /Research/CataclysmicVariables/ * /pubinfo/pr/97/29/slide-show-js.html * /pubinfo/PR/97/29/a.html Close inspection by the Hubble Space Telescope reveals that the shells are not smooth at all. In fact, this high-resolution image shows that the shells are actually more than 2,000 gaseous blobs packed into an area that is 1 light-year across. Resembling shrapnel from a shotgun blast, the blobs may have been produced by the nova explosion, the subsequent expansion of gaseous debris, or collisions between fast-moving and slow- moving gas from several eruptions. False color has been applied to this image to enhance details in the blobs. * (Background) These frames are the conceptions of noted space artist Dana Berry. The ten frames depict a sequence of the birth, evolution, and death of a binary-star system. The sequence starts with the large rendering of a 1-solar-mass star and a 4-solar-mass star in the process of formation and then proceeds clockwise from top left. Some highlights: (Inset B) Nearing the end of its


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