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LUNCH / DINNER BUFFET MENU A Appetizers: 头盘 Rock oyster, mussels and prawn scallop on ice 生蚝和大虾,青口贝,扇贝(放冰上) Japanese sashimi 日式生鱼片 Japanese sushi “Fusion” styles with condiments 日式寿司 Smoked sliced salmon and dill salmon rolled with asparagus 熏三文鱼配芦笋 Homemade pates (2 kinds) 自制肉批(2种) Home made chicken liver and seafood terrine 自制鸡肝批和海鲜批 Marinated meat in Soya sauce Cantonese style 广式卤水拼盘 Italian meat Antipasti (Salami, Parma ham, Chorizo sausage and Lyoner) 意式拼盘 Chicken and kale salad 鸡肉沙拉 Marinated sliced ox- tripe and Tongue 夫妻肺片 Roasted beef strip loin roll with gherkin and baby corn, Remoulade sauce 烤牛柳卷 Marinated Whelk 味付螺肉 Boiled Kelp 煮海带 Marinated Cucumber 青瓜渍物 Sautéed Beef and Vegetables 五彩丝 Salads: 沙拉 Marinated shredded bean curd with spicy sauce 拌豆腐丝 Bitter cucumber with crab stick in Soya ginger dressing 苦瓜蟹肉 Russian salad 俄式沙拉 Chicken salad Hawaii style 夏威夷鸡肉沙拉 Spicy minced beef salad 牛肉沙拉 Curried rice salad 咖喱米饭沙拉 Seafood with glass noodle salad Thai style 泰式米粉沙拉 Marinated green beans with bacon dressing 青豆角腌肉汁 Salad bar: 沙拉吧 Cucumber slices / Cherry tomato / Carrot grated / Julienne of red cabbage / Three kinds of bell pepper slices / Mixed beans / Red radish Selection of 4 kinds of garden greens 黄瓜/ 樱桃番茄/ 胡萝卜/ 卷心菜/ 彩椒/ 彩豆/ 心里美 自选4种生菜 Variety of salad dressing: 沙拉汁 Italian vinaigrette, Thousand Island dressing, Sesame dressing, Blue cheese dressing, Caesar dressing 意大利汁, 千岛汁, 中式汁, 蓝奶酪汁, 恺撒汁 Condiments: 小料 Sesame seed / Roasted coconuts shredder/ Roasted peanuts / Croutons / Chopped bacon / Olives / Parmesan cheese / Chopped anchovies / Deep-fried onion chopped / Capers / 芝麻/ 烤椰/面包丁/咸肉碎/橄榄/意式奶酪/咸鱼柳/炸洋葱碎/水瓜榴 Soup: 汤 Cream of spinach with chicken 奶油鸡肉菠菜汤 Bakuteh 肉骨茶 Action Station: 明档 Japanese Tappanyaki Station 日式铁板烧 Assorted sliced meat, seafood, vegetable, noodle, rice cooking in front of the guest. 牛肉, 海鲜, 蔬菜, 面条, 米饭在客人面前烹制Western Style crepe or Chinese style crepe with assorted filling and different sauce 中西式薄饼配各种


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