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* 2013年温州市二模试卷分析 与复习建议 温州八中 吴文华 试卷综述: 整体难度比一模下降,各题型从选材,字数等方面都接近高考试卷,并从多方面考查语言知识与语用能力。其中写作部分有比较大的变化,重在培养发展学生critical thinking意识。 单选 题干短小精炼,题干基本上在10-20词之间。内容大多是学生熟悉的日常话题,但也有个别语句内容是学生有些了解、但不是很熟悉的,造成失分。 7.The pre-Christmas rush in November is _____ there are most bargains of online shopping. A. what B. when C. why D. how The rush---the time in the day, month, year when a place or group of people are particular busy. 3. We’d better ______ these tubes for the time being. They may be of use for future experiments. A. keep out B. pick out C. give away D. put away 13. You can get into a booking website _______ admission tickets for the live concert besides B. via C. without D. for 19. I’m fed up with this wet weather. It’s time we _____ some sunshine for a picnic. A. have B. will have C. had had D. had 创设语境,帮助学生熟悉处于记忆盲区的词汇,不断刷新容易被遗忘的知识条目。 涵盖大量考试说明词汇与短语、词块。 have a word with sb a narrow escape a second time for the time being be of use tend to take pride in feel ashamed of be supposed to be well worth come up with the other day pay a visit to based on have a preference for be fed up with Could you be so kind as to-? wedding ceremony evaluate a candidate a promising victory tube witness criminal the pre-Christmas rush embarrass appoint distribute brochure 单选教学建议: (1)关注语境、注重语用 (2)强调在语境中辨析词汇 (3)充分利用模拟试卷 (4)回归各省市的高考真题 Teachers can use this song to convey the —_______ to their students that they should have their own dream for the future A. message B. information C. emotion D. belief 12.When you meet someone, you will _______ the first impression based on his body language. convey B. give C. form D. leave 14._____these brochures among the tourists before you leave, will you? Having distributed B. To distribute C. Distribute D. Distributing Months later, when Jason had recovered completely, he stopped 30 with Sam. A. w


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