中国饮食相关文化知识 英文版.ppt

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中国饮食相关文化知识 英文版.ppt

History: 川菜系是一个历史悠久的菜系。它的发源地是古代的巴国和蜀国。历代典籍和各个朝代的文人骚客的诗词文章里有不少对于川菜的记载。川菜兴起于清末和抗战两个时间段,其特点在于红味讲究麻、辣、香,白味咸鲜中仍带点微辣。 Cuisine feature: Bold flavours Pungency(刺激) Spiciness (香辣) Garlic (蒜) Sichuan pepper (花椒) Peanuts Sesame paste(芝麻酱), Ginger(生姜) Use of hot and numbing flavor (麻辣味型) is a typical element of Sichuan cooking. Husband and wife’s lung slice? Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce 夫妻肺片 Kung pao chicken 丁宝桢原籍贵州,清咸丰年间进士,曾任山东巡抚,后任四川总督。他一向很喜欢吃辣椒与猪肉、鸡肉爆炒的菜肴,调任四川总督后,每遇宴客,他都让家厨用花生米、干辣椒和嫩鸡肉炒制鸡丁,肉嫩味美,很受客人欢迎。后来他由于戍边御敌有功被朝廷封为“太子少保”,人称“丁宫保”,其家厨烹制的炒鸡丁,也被称为“宫保鸡丁”。 Mapo Tofu Dry-Braised Mandarin Fish (干烧桂鱼) Jiangsu cuisine :is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of Chinese cuisine. It is derived from the native cooking styles of Jiangsu province. Jiangsu cuisine consists of the styles of Yangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou and Zhenjiang dishes. Cuisine feature: Soft, but not to the point of mushy or falling apart. Near the sea which gives them fish and water. Selection of ingredients according to the seasons Emphasis on the matching colour and shape of each dish and using soup to improve flavour. History: 起始于南北朝、唐宋时,经济发展,推动饮食业的繁荣,苏菜成为“南食”两大台柱之一。明清时期,苏菜南北沿运河、东西沿长江的发展更为迅速。沿海的地理优势扩大了苏菜在海内外的影响。 Dongpos braised pork? Salted Duck Squirrel-shaped Mandarin fish?: 松鼠桂鱼是苏州地区的传统名菜,在江南各地一直将其列作宴席上的上品佳肴。据说早在乾隆皇帝下江南时,苏州就有“松鼠鲤鱼”了,乾隆曾品尝过。后来便发展成了“松鼠鳜鱼”。清代《调鼎集》中有关于“松鼠鱼”的记载:“取季鱼,肚皮去骨,拖蛋黄,炸黄,作松鼠式。油、酱油烧。” Which cuisine ? Roast suckling pig Lou mei Which cuisine ? Cantonese Cuisine Cantonese cuisine comes from Guangdong province in southern .Its prominence outside China is due to the great numbers of early emigrants from Guangdong. Cantonese chefs are highly sought (十分抢手)after throughout China. Delicacy Quality and taste:Based from light.It varies with seasons, pursuit of color, flavor and taste, shape. Geographical advantages: Guangdong is located in the subtropical zone(亚热带), rich in natural resources.So Guangdongs diet has always been unique. Ingredients:all kinds of domestic poultry(家禽), fish


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