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毕业设计(论文) 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 专 业: 系 部: 设计(论文)题目: 指 导 教 师: 年 0月 0 日 某建筑工程 监理实施细则 内容提要: 工程概况与特点 监理工作依据 监理工作的流程 监理工作的控制要点及目标值 监理工作的方法措施 项目监理机构(章):         专业监理工程师:         总 监 理 工 程 师:               日 期:   年 月  摘 要 该监理细则为本人毕业实习的设计作品,如何保证该工程的在施工过程中的施工质量、工期及造价合理,本细则作了较详细的阐述。通过现场各方面的协调工作,实现质量、工期和投资的有效控制。推行以动态控制为主,事前预防为辅的管理办法,将该食堂建筑工程的各分部分项工程的施工质量,作为控制的重点,从预控角度主动发现问题,对重点部位、关键工序,实行旁站,做好相应的旁站记录。严禁出现以次充好,偷工减料、工艺不合格的情况发生。每道工序应由监理签收合格后方可进入下一道工序。整个工程完工后,设计师、监理、施工负责人以及户主统一到现场验收。(本部分内容要各自完成,仅供参考) 关键字:工程概况 质量控制 施工工艺 旁站监理 Abstract A dining hall building as my graduation design works, how to guarantee the civil engineering in the construction process, construction quality, construction period and cost is reasonable, the rules are presented in detail. Through the various aspects of the work, to achieve quality, time limit for a project and investment control. To implement dynamic control beforehand prevention, supplemented by management approach, the canteen building each partial engineering construction quality, as the focus, from the angle of active control of key parts, found the problem, the key process, the site, do a good job in the on-site records. Forbidden to appear shoddy, Jerry, technology unqualified happens. Each process shall be borne by the supervision for qualified to enter the next process. Completion of the entire project, design, supervision, construction as well as the person in charge who unified to the site acceptance. Keywords: engineering quality control in construction process of site supervision 施工流程图(没有流程图的同学可以参考、复制) 1.3.2 工序质量控制流程图 4 3


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