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交通运输系统工程结课论文 题 目:公共交通系统中的数学方法应用研究 学 院: 交通运输学院 专 业: 系统工程 公共交通系统中的数学方法应用研究 摘 要:北京市每天都有近两千万次的公交出行。公共交通(Public Transit)对个人生活质量和区域生产水平具有重要意义。公交系统的质量与效率依赖政治体制(国有,私营),基础设施的适性 关键词:公共交通规划;数学方法。 Research on mathematics in public transit system Abstract: Every day, there are about 20 millions of pubic transit trips in Beijing. Public transit (PT) is of major importance for the quality of life of individuals as well as the productivity of entire regions. Quality and efficiency of PT systems depend on the political framework (state-run, market oriented) and the suitability of the infrastructure (bus and subway station), the service level, the use of advanced technologies (information, control, and booking systems), and the best possible deployment of equipment and resources (energy, vehicles, crews). The decision problems arising in this big system are often very complicated and must be handled by mathematics. The current contribution of mathematics to public transit is of varying depth. Air traffic is already well supported by mathematics. Bus traffic made significant advances in recent years, while rail traffic still bears significant opportunities for improvements. In all areas of public transit, the existing potentials are far from being exhausted. This paper shows three successful mathematical applications in public transit, and then describes the status and problems of the application of mathematical methods in public transit planning and operations, and finally gives a conclusion,proposes some new ideas and two specific measures. Key words: Public transit (PT); mathematics 1 数学方法成功应用举例 将数学用于公共交通有什么好处呢?下面举三个例子来说明数学应用给顾客、规划者和投资人带来的益处。 Fig1 Electronic information service system 图1电子信息服务系统 电子旅行信息服务系统北美洲东南部的宾夕法尼亚州交通部(SEPTA)在其网站上配置了一个先进的门对门旅行信息服务系统。这个联合运输旅行规划系统是基于HaCon和PTV技术,这两项技术曾被认为只有南美洲才拥有这两项技术。在SEPTA的网站 () 上能提供更多的标准的汽车与火车时刻表。使用“安排我的旅行(Plan My Trip)”的用户能够进入站台或停车点,询问门牌号码,道路交叉口,或者作为出发点或目的地的旅馆或某些兴趣点的位置。


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