古舟子咏The Rime of the Ancient Mariner精选.ppt

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古舟子咏The Rime of the Ancient Mariner精选

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge 刘佳薇,黄慧颖,程小芳,舒姝,杨仕,蒋晟,唐礼煊,王灿灿,彭琴,郭荻葭 Author Content Analysis Extracts Samuel Taylor Coleridge Sammuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Ottery St Mary,Devonshire,as the youngest son of Ottery St Mary. After his father’s death,Coleridge was sent away to Christ’s Hospital School in London.He also studdied at Jesus College. In Cambridge met the radical,future poet Laureate Robert Southey.He moved with Southey to British to establish a community,but the plan failed. In 1795,he married the sister of Southey’s fiancee,whom he did not really love. Being a Romantic poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridges remarkable poem the Rime of the Ancient Mariner 作为英国浪漫主义诗人之一的塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治以他的代表作《古舟子咏》而享有盛誉。 He advocated a more spiritual and religious interpretation of life, based on what he had learnt from Kant and Schelling. 他倡导了以坎特与斯凯灵理论的对人类精神化与宗教化的诠释。 Mysticism and demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group. 这些诗歌的显著特点,便是神秘与想象。 Coleridge’s actual achievement as poet can be divided into two remarkably diverse groups: the demonic and the conversational. 柯勒律治在诗歌方面的成就可分为不同的两大类,神祗诗与对话诗。 Coleridge was esteemed by some of his contemporaries and is generally recognized today as a lyrical poet and literary critic of the first rank. 科勒律治被同时期的诗界所尊崇,直至今日也被奉为第一流的抒情诗人与文学评论家。 Content The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, a well-known poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, has obtained common attention by domestic researchers in recent years. Its image and supernaturality, religious theme and ecological ideology become prevailing issues according to an article Review and Reflection of the Studies on the Rime of the Ancient Mariner in Last 30 years written by Xu Meihua (Xu, 96-99). The poem consists of an argument and seven parts, which contain many notes added necessarily by the poet on the left side of the poem form. It has been written in the form of ballad. Generally a ballad is a form of verse


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