2006-2015_CFA三级真题 casebook.pdf

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2006-2015_CFA三级真题 casebook

Page 1 The Morning Session of the 2006 CFA Level III Examination has 12 questions. For grading purposes, the maximum point value for each question is equal to the number of minutes allocated to that question. Question Topic Minutes 1 Portfolio Management 34 2 Portfolio Management 12 3 Asset Valuation 6 4 Portfolio Management 24 5 Portfolio Management 10 6 Portfolio Management 12 7 Portfolio Management 9 8 Portfolio Management 15 9 Asset Valuation 14 10 Asset Valuation 17 11 Portfolio Management 15 12 Portfolio Management 12 Total: 180 2006 Page 2 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ANY MARKS MADE ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT BE GRADED 2006 Page 3 QUESTION 1 HAS FOUR PARTS (A, B, C, D) FOR A TOTAL OF 34 MINUTES. Rodolfo Serra is a professional soccer player with FA Milan, a leading soccer team in Italy鈥檚 Serie A league. He has been well paid over his career including an initial, one-time signing bonus of 鈧? million, which he immediately invested in a start-up company designing training equipment. This aggressive venture eventually went bankrupt. At 34 years old, Serra is now a


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