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第一模块 练习讲解 6.对于普通百姓来说,物价实在涨得太快了。 ( 1 ) Prices are really rising too fast for ordinary people . ( 2 ) Prices are really going up too fast for common people . ( 3 ) Ordinary people can hardly cope with such sharp rises in price. ( 4 ) Ordinary people can barely cope with such sharp price hikes . 7. 这鸡汤真香。 This chicken soup is very delicious · This chicken soup tastes really nice · This chicken soup smells so inviting · This chicken soup smells so appetizing . 8.这条河很臭。 译文 ( l ) The river smells terrible . ( 2 ) The river smells . ( 3 ) The river stinks . ( 4 ) What an evil-smelling river ! ( 5 ) The river is very smelly . ( 6 ) The river gives off a foul smell · 9. 这年头,不少没文化的人发了财。 ( l ) Nowadays , many poorly educated people have become rich . ( 2 ) These days many people with little education have made their fortune . 10.听到被判死刑,囚犯彻底绝望了。 ( l ) Learning of his death sentence , the prisoner gave up all hope . ( 2 ) Informed of his death sentence , the prisoner despaired . ( 3 ) At the news of his death sentence , the prisoner went into utter despair . ( 4 ) News of his death sentence drove the prisoner to despair . ( 5 ) At the news of his death sentence , the prisoner was filled with despair . 第二模块 课前热身 翻译下列句子 1. 在聚会上,大家全都因为他的古怪口音而笑话他。 2. 锻炼了一个冬天,他的溜冰水平变得很不错。 3. 由于过度劳累,她看上去比实际年龄要老得多。 4.结婚二十年来他对妻子一直很忠实 5.这种药物尚在试验阶段,至少要等两年后才能投入批量生产。 6. 因为残疾,这个孩子不免要受到同班同学的欺侮。 1. Everybody at the party laughed at him for his funny accent. 2. He becomes quite good at skating after practicing all winter. 3. Because of overwork, he looks older than he really is. 4. Since he got married 20 years ago, he has been faithful to his wife. 5. The drug is still under test, and will not be on the market for at least two years. 6. Because of his disability , the child is subject to abuse by his classmates. 第三模块 及物动词的翻译 及物动词的翻译 把句子的谓语用及物动词译出时,要正确运用单宾语、双宾语和复合宾语的结构,尤其要注意动词与宾语的搭配。由于汉英词语用法的差别,当我们把原文动宾结构里的动词和名词分别译出后,这一对英语词语不见得搭配得当。换句话说,翻译及物动词时,我们需要把动词和宾语作为一个整体来考虑。 试译下列词组,注意正确理解动词的含义和宾语的搭配。


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