EST Writing3科技英语写作课件.ppt

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EST Writing III. Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Pronoun Preview Exercises Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Please fill in the running water into the thermos and get heated. Do not get heated without water in the thermos. The hot water in the room is unable to drink, please boil the cool water in your electric cup. There are two big conference rooms, six small conference rooms and two VIP rooms are all fully equipped with the latest facilities and also can be provided as training rooms. The force acted on the body is a few tenth of newton. Preview Exercises Translate the following sentences into English with a prepositional phrase for each underlined part. 在这些式子中,只有式(12-5)有问题。 在讨论这个课题时,我们将把注意力集中在其基本原理上。 一旦加上合适的控制信号,该触发器就将改变储存的信息。 Verb 特殊的连系动词: remain, get, turn, go, stay, appear, look, prove, etc. 在这种情况下机器容易发热。 该皮带平压在滑轮上。 Verb 半助动词: remain, seem, appear, happen, etc. 乍一看,这个定律似乎与我们日常的经历相矛盾。(用简单句来表示,即不用It seems/appears that…句型) 最后提出了几个有待解决的问题。 Verb 代动词do: 代动词一般用于由than, as引导的比较状语从句(此时代动词常省略)、由as引导的方式状语从句和由as引导的定语从句。 Verb 这台计算机所占的空间比一台打字机少得多。(用“S-V-O”句型) 它们对效率产生的影响与液压离合器中滑动对效率产生的影响相同。(用“S-V-O”句型,用as … as 和 the same … as结构 ) 这个参数并不像温度影响Q点那样影响晶体管的工作。 Adverb 副词用作后置定语的情况: 那里的压力达到了很大的数值,结果可能会导致灾难的发生。 今天的科学家将解决明天的问题。 相距40厘米的两本书静放在一张桌子上。 Adjective 单个形容词作后置定语 现有的化学书都提到了这个反应。 All the chemistry books available have mentioned this reaction. 现在计算机并不是什么神秘的东西了。 Now computers are not something mysterious (=nothing mysterious). 一根2.5米长的铝棒具有1cm × 5cm 的矩形横截面。 An aluminum bar 2.5 m long has a rectangular cross section 1 cm by 5 cm. Adjective 形容词短语 1)作后置定语 大于任何数的量被称为“无穷大”。 A quantity greater than any number is called “infinity”. 所有这些方程都可以用类似于上述的方法来解。 All these equations can be solved by the method similar to that described above. Adjective 2) 作状语 由于该设备体积小、重量轻,在部队很受欢迎。 Small in size and light in weight, this device is warmly received/welcomed in the army/armed forces. 该力垂直于地球表面起作用。 Th


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