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0501 20052202001 2007 5 25 China-US Economic Dialogue John D. Kasarda 1. Wu aims to deflect US Congress pressure U.S. officials who have bargained with Chinas chief trade negotiator come away with the same conclusion: Wu Yi is formidable. She is not shy, said Mickey Kantor, former U.S. secretary of commerce. Some of her peers fall back on old- fashioned, even politically incorrect, terms in talking about her: She was considered a tough pro, recalled James Lilley, U.S. ambassador to China from 1989 to 1991. She was pretty good-looking, an attractive woman too. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who has described Wu, 68, as a force of nature, is meeting her today in Washington as U.S. lawmakers demand action against Chinas tidal wave of exports and undervalued currency. People who know her say shell respond with intellect, stubbornness and charm -- buttressed by her recently elevated position in the Chinese government. After years as Chinas top official for trade -- she played a key role in getting her country into the World Trade Organization in 2001 -- Wu last month took over responsibility for Chinas financial system, including the central bank. She has the personal heft and imprimatur of the Chinese leadership, said Charlene Barshefsky, who negotiated with Wu as U.S. trade representative, and earlier as deputy representative, from 1993 to 2001. Shes very tough, but also reasonable, and understands the U.S. as well as, if not better than, anyone in the Chinese


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