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雅思口语museum话题 以下是听力原文,黑体字的地方是考生可以重点掌握的词句。 everyone, and welcome to the Maritime Museum. 各位,欢迎来到海洋博物馆。 Now before we commence our tour Id just like to tell you a little bit about the history of the museum. As you can see, it’s very modem building built in the post modern style and it was in fact opened by the Prime Minister of Australia in November 1991. It?s been designed with a nautical flavor in mind to remind US of our links with the sea. But the museum isn?t only housed in this building; there are a number of historic ships docked outside in the harbour, which form part of the museum and which you are also free to visit, and we?ll be coming to them shortly. 在开始今天的行程前, 我来简单介绍一下我们博物馆的历史。这是一座十分现代的博物馆,建筑风格是后现代的。事实上它是1991年由澳大利亚总理开放的。博物馆在设计思路上具有航海风格,旨在提醒我们和大海的关系。这个博物馆不仅包含我们现在所在的这栋楼;外面的港口中还停泊着几艘历史悠久的船,这些船也是博物馆的一部分。大家也可以免费参观这些船,我们一会儿就去参观。 Id just like to point out one or two things of general interest while we?re here. Handicapped toilets are located on this floor and the door shows a wheelchair. The cloakroom where you can hang your coat or leave your bags is just behind us here. The education centre is on the top floor and there?s a good little library in there which you might like to use. Follow the signs to the Education Centre--you?11 see a lot of little green arrows on the wall. The green arrows will take you there. The information desk, marked with the small letter i on your plan is located right here in the foyer, so if you get separated from your friends, I suggest you make your way back to the information desk because we’11 be returning to this spot at the end of the tour. All right? 我先给大家加少一下游客一般会感兴趣病象了接的一两件事情。残疾人专用洗手间就位于这一层,门上有轮椅的标记。衣帽间就在我们身后,你可以把外套挂上,或者把提包存在这里。教育中心在顶层,那里有个不错的小图书馆,你会喜欢的。顺着墙上的绿色箭头一路所指就来到了教育中心。咨询处就在门厅,在你手上拿的小册子,咨询处就 上一篇英语: 雅思口语考试形式内容以及时间下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于口语技巧的文章网友同时还浏览了: 雅思口语考试形式内容以及时间 what in your country 小王子 Melbourne Cup Day 雅思口语怎么避免跑题 有关环境的法律 用i做了标示。如果你和朋友走散,我建议你们回到咨询处,因为我们参观结束时就在这里集合。 Now, if you look out this window you s


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