航空伽玛能谱测量大气氡校正方法分析-analysis of correction method for airborne gamma spectrometry to measure atmospheric radon.docx
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航空伽玛能谱测量大气氡校正方法分析-analysis of correction method for airborne gamma spectrometry to measure atmospheric radon
height-attenuation coefficients without atmospheric radon influence.The correction factor is the key of Atmospheric radon correction, and it decides the precision of radon background estimation. Author constructs the relation between correction factor of U component and correction factor of atmospheric radon component. Combine with the height-attenuation coefficients of different energy windows, Auther designs the correction factors calibration by standard saturation model measurement. The calibration technology avoids the possible errors of correction factor calibration which use of matrix computations and mathematical fitting based on spectrum shape. Further more, the coefficient calibration method is easier to implement and making calibration more efficient.Instead of numerical analysis and experimental measurement, author has study the radon correction method of airborne gamma ray spectrometry using the Monte Carlo method. In order to improve simulation efficiency, the the Monte Carlo simulation process has been decomposed. The simulation process is described as below: (1) The characteristic peak intrinsic detecting efficiency of different characteristic gamma-ray detector had been simulated. For the sake of describe the relation between the reference gama-ray and characteristic peak full-energy-peak intrinsic detecting efficiency, author define the conception of relative characteristic peak intrinsic detecting efficiency about U and Th components. (2) The flux ratio of reference gama-ray to characteristic gama-ray of atmospheric radon component, uranium and thorium components had been simulated. (3) Using Monte Carlo method, author had simulated height-attenuation coefficients and correction factors in different air density.Finally, the correction factors had been calculated by standard saturation model measurement technology and Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, error in the correction factor calibration has been analysis. Using the two sets of correction
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