
季戊四胺mofs配体的设计合成 结构表征及性质分析-design, synthesis, structural characterization and property analysis of pentaerythritol mofs ligand.docx

季戊四胺mofs配体的设计合成 结构表征及性质分析-design, synthesis, structural characterization and property analysis of pentaerythritol mofs ligand.docx

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季戊四胺mofs配体的设计合成 结构表征及性质分析-design, synthesis, structural characterization and property analysis of pentaerythritol mofs ligand

AbstractPentaerythrityltetramine plays an important role in the field of supramolecular chemistry; its symmetry structure contains four amino functional groups, so its derivatives can interact with other moleculars in different directions easily. On the other hand, pentaerythrityltetramine derivatives may be as organic ligand for Metal-Organic farmworks (MOFs) because it includes considerable amount N, O, S.In this paper, pentaerythrityltetramine and a series of pentaerythrityltetramine deriv-atives were synthesized and characterised by using 1H NMR techniques, single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis in details. Synthsis of the metal-organic framework compound and the interaction of pentaerythrityltetramine derivatives and cucurbit[8]uril were investigated.1 ) Pentaerythrityltetramine was synthesized by using a improved methodmethod withhigh yield.A series of pentaerythrityltetramine derivatives was synthesized and characterised by using 1H NMR techniques,single crystal X-ray diffraction determination..A MOF compound composed of N,N1,N2,N3-tetra-Salicylaldehydeyl Pentaerythrityl tetraethylenediamine with Copper cation was synthesized and characterised by using 1H NMR techniques,single crystal X-ray diffraction determination.A host-guest inclusion complex of bromide salt of 2,2,2–trimethyl 3-pyridyl–propane with cucurbit[8]uril was synthesized and characterised by using 1H NMR techniques,single crystal X-ray diffraction determination.Keywords: Pentaerythrityltetramine , Pentaerythrityltetramine derivatives , MOFs,cucur[n]uril host-guest complex, structure characteristic.第一章前 言金属有机框架结构(Metal-OrganicFrameworks,MOFs)通常是指金属离子中 心 和 有 机 配 体 自 组 装 而 形 成 的 一 类 具 有 周 期 性 网 络 结 构 的 金 属 有 机 骨 架 (Hoskins, B. F. et al. 1989; Eddaoudi, M. et al. 2001)。同时这类化合物也被称为: 配位聚合物(polymeric framework)或者无机-有机杂化材料(Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials)。MOFs 晶体材料的设计合成、结构及性能研究是近年来十分活 跃的研究领域之一,它跨越了无机化学、配位化学、有机化学、物理化学、超分 子化学、材料化学、生物化学、晶体工程学和拓扑学等多个学科领域,它的研究 对于发展合成化学、结构化学和材料化学的基本概念及基础理论具有重要



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