酒店培训管理与部门绩效的关系研究——以柯氏模型在yn酒店实施为例-research on the relationship between hotel training management and departmental performance - taking the implementation of kes model in yn hotel as an example.docx

酒店培训管理与部门绩效的关系研究——以柯氏模型在yn酒店实施为例-research on the relationship between hotel training management and departmental performance - taking the implementation of kes model in yn hotel as an example.docx

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酒店培训管理与部门绩效的关系研究——以柯氏模型在yn酒店实施为例-research on the relationship between hotel training management and departmental performance - taking the implementation of kes model in yn hotel as an example

摘 要员工的培训发展被认为是一个公司可持续生存和发展的重要策略,受到所有 公司的关注。但是培训有效性的管理很难使用培训时间这样简单的数字来进行衡 量,所以如何衡量员工培训的有效性,真正将员工的培训与企业绩效有效的联系 在一起,是被学者们广为研究的话题。当前,企业都希望通过有效的培训保留住人才,同时希望可以通过培训增强 员工对于部门和酒店的满意度,以及可以通过培训影响酒店的客人满意度,从而 进一步的对企业的绩效带来积极影响,有效提升企业利润。但是有效的培训在不 同部门对于酒店绩效的影响程度是否相同?如果可以通过有关研究得到答案,就 可以有助于更好地帮助企业有效地进行培训的管理,也有利于寻找到另一种能够 影响企业绩效的因素,从而为企业未来发展决策提出参考。本文从这个角度入手,通过阅读借鉴中外学者的研究分析以及大量事实,以 国际连锁五星级 YN 酒店为研究对象,以 YN 酒店人力资源与培训发展报表、YN 酒店员工满意度调查报告和 YN 酒店宾客满意度调查等调查问卷为数据来源,运 用统计软件进行分析,主要研究酒店中培训对于员工满意度及宾客满意度等企业 绩效指标影响的现象,以及培训对于酒店不同部门所带来是否相同的影响,以期 研究结论对理论和现实有一定借鉴意义。关键词:培训管理,绩效考核,柯氏模型AbstractTraining and development of employees is considered as an important strategy for sustainable survival and development of a company and subject to all of the companys attention. But the effectiveness of the training could not be easily measured by training hour. So how to measure the effectiveness of staff training and make sure the training is effectively linked to business performance, are widely studied by researchers all over the world.If the turnover of hotel could be reduced and retain the talents through effective training? Whether the employee satisfaction index can be improved through training? As well as the guests satisfaction or even impact on the performance of the enterprise? If the effective training provides same influence on the performance in different department of the hotel? If we can get the answer to the above questions by the study, it will not only contribute to bulid a better training system and to manage companies more effectively, but also conducive to find another factor that could affect company performance, which made reference to the companys future development decisions.From the above point of view and based on a large number papers and from both Chinese and foreign scholars, taken YN hotel which is a five-star international hotel as the research object. Research on the HR and Training report, employee satisfaction survey and guest satisfaction survey questionnaire as data sources, by us



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