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;第六章 跨文化语篇对比分析;;;;;;;;;;表 1  5 篇英语说明文主位推进程序模式分布 ;;;;;;;;;;;中国:受“天人合一”及“关系”取向的影响,思维方式以直觉,具体和圆型为特征。 汉语的语篇结构主流倾向呈现为一种逐步达到高潮的方式,层层递进,起承转合,渐入佳境,画龙点睛。 汉语语篇表达中,表示因果、条件、转折、让步等关系的句式比较常用,成为汉语语篇结构的形式特征之一。其中表示原因、条件是逻辑推理的体现,转折、让步是语用预设的手段,反正要紧的内容放置在后面。这种句式结构在思路上属于“归纳式”。如: 因为A……,B……,C……,所以D……。 如果A……,B……,C……,那么D……。 虽然A……,B……,C……,但是D……。 尽管A……,B……,C……,然而D……。;西方(英语国家):思维方式在语篇结构上的投射表现为分析、抽象、显性的特征。开门见山、直入主题。 谈话、写文章习惯于把话题放在最前面,引起听话人或读者的重视。 “果”在“因”之前。即使朋友之间打电话,他们也会首先说明打电话的目的之后才讲述原因或事件发生过程。与中国文化的归纳式语篇结构相反,美国文化偏爱演绎式语篇结构。;Request letter 1;Request letter 2;;;;;;(三)语篇差异的类型论;2.语篇类型与话语分析法;;(二)语篇的期待与理解 不同文化对语篇连贯会有不同的期待与理解。怎样才算连贯,连贯程度如何,不同文化都会有各自不同的认识。;;;;总结;实例一:;天气如何影响文化的一段谈话录音 Climate affects the culture of a country. Men must learn to live within the limitations of their environment, and climate is an important part of the physical environment. Life in a tropical country is less strenuous and more casual than it is in a temperate one. Men work shorter hours and less vigorously in a hot climate. They cannot play hard either. They tire easily. They can relax by reading, by sipping cool drinks, or by listening to soothing music. They must try to conserve their energy. The wisest ones learn to respect the demands of Nature.;实例三:;议论文 Although the new testament writers used the popular language of their day, they often achieved great dignity and eloquence. Convinced of the greatness of their message, they often wrote naturally and directly, as earnest men might speak to their friends. Although St. Mark’s writing was not necessarily polished, he wrote with singular vigor and economy. St. John struggled with the language until he produces sparse and unadorned prose of great beauty. St. Paul, at his best, reached heights of eloquence which some consider unsurpassed in literature. St. Luke, the most brilliant of the New Testament writers, gave us Jesus’ Parable of the prodigal Son. Taken as a whole, the work of these great Christian writers of the first centu


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