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Lesson 53 ROOTS Roots How did they come to America? -- They were carried to the USA by ship. Did they come to America willingly? No, they were caught in Africa. After that they were sold to white people – slaves owners, like animals. Language point 1 the + adj. The structure is used to refer to a class of people or something abstract. e.g. the old/blind/beautiful/good Note: the + v-ed = the + adj. the wounded/unemployed/unknown Language point 2 Born a free man, … = Though he had been born a free man,… be born + adj./n. ---- 生来就是,天生就是 He was born blind/deaf/poor. 他天生就是一个诗人。 He was born a poet. 没有人是天生的英雄。 Nobody was born a hero. Language point 3 because – direct reason for – reason for inferring, extra explanation Language point 4 Vt + sb. prep. + the + n. (part of the body) Verbs that can usually be used in the structure are: hit, beat, strike, pat, seize, catch, hold Prepositions that can be used are: in, on, by He patted me on the back. 约翰打了汤姆的头/肩。 John hit Tom on the head/shoulder. 我抓住了他的胳膊。 I caught him by the arm. 约翰打了汤姆的脸/眼/右腿。 John hit Tom in the face/eyes/right leg. Language point 5 be held prisoner = be kept prisoner (被监禁) He was held/kept prisoner on a small island. be taken prisoner (被俘) He failed to run away and was taken prisoner. hold sb. prisoner/hostage As many as 700 people were held hostage at a theatre in Moscow. Language point 6 become of sb/sth. (人或事物的)情况,结果,遭遇 Only used in direct/indirect questions e.g. What has become of Jack? 我不知道我失业以后会怎么样。 I don’t know what will ~ me if I am out of work. 他们想知道他后来怎么样了。 They wondered what had ~ him. 我昨天放在这儿的书哪去了? What has ~ the book I put here yesterday? Language point 7 Worse was to come. = Something worse would take place soon. Worse – U 更糟糕的情况/事 I have worse to tell you. I’m sorry to say that he is going from bad to worse. He lost all his money, but worse followed. His house was burned down. Language point 8 V-ing used as attribute


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