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Some Suggestions for Translation of the CET-4;考试题型;做题四步法;实用汉译英技巧;;结构对比;双重否定;定语从句;4. There be 结构法 有些句子可以用there be 结构翻译,原语中的谓语部分则以定语从句形式出现. 例如:许多在西部的孩子因为贫困而辍学。 There are many children in West China who dropped out of school because of poverty. 5. 带介词的定语从句 我刚才和她谈话的那个姑娘是我表妹。 The girl to whom I just spoke is my cousin. 我指的就是这个人。 This is the man to whom I referred. 他们寻找的文件已经找到了。 The documents for which they were searching have been found. 这是一个我们可能长时间争论的问题。 This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while. ;强调句式;倒装句式;2. 有些带有让步从句的句子可使用对应的倒装句式。 他虽然聪明,却没有多少洞察力。 Smart as he was, he had not much insight. 尽管我作了很大努力,却无法使他改变主意。 Try as I would, I could not make him change his mind. ;3. 汉语句子出现强调方位或方式的短语时,英文部分状语提前,此时句子倒装,句中的谓语动词常用不及物动词。 门道里站着一个拿枪的人。 In the doorway stood a man with a gun. 它旁边有一堆纸杯。 Next to it stood a pile of paper cups. 在前面坐着一位老妇人。 Ahead sat an old woman. 嗖的一声,箭被射上了天。 Up went the arrow into the air. 呼地从丛林中冲出一只老虎。 Out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.;4. 英文否定副词在句首时,句子倒装。 过去很少有这样愉快的会议。 Seldom has there been such a happy meeting. 不仅他的话说的更正确,而且讲得也更流利了。 Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more freely. 她刚到就下起雨来。 Hardly had she arrived when it began to rain. 我从来没有见过这么漂亮的女孩。 Never have I seen such a pretty girl. 他刚睡下电话铃就响了。 No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang again. 我永远都不会忘记我们在一起的日子。 Never shall I forget our days together.;5. 英语介词短语或副词在句首时,句子倒装。 这个门绝对不能打开。 On no account must this door be opened. 直到我看过你的信,我才了解到真相。 Not until I had read your letter did I understand the truth. 在任何情况下,我都不会同意你刚才说的话。 Under no circumstances could I agree with what you just said. 他讲话声音那么大,隔壁屋里的人都听得见。 So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.;虚拟语气:条件从句;;;;;


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